A modern data marketplace that makes collaboration among diverse users (like business, analysts and engineers) easier, increasing efficiency and agility in data projects on AWS.
Please answer the questions below briefly where applicable, or write N/A. Based on
Does this PR introduce or modify any input fields or queries - this includes
fetching data from storage outside the application (e.g. a database, an S3 bucket)?
Is the input sanitized?
What precautions are you taking before deserializing the data you consume?
Is injection prevented by parametrizing queries?
Have you ensured no eval or similar functions are used?
Does this PR introduce any functionality or component that requires authorization?
How have you ensured it respects the existing AuthN/AuthZ mechanisms?
Are you logging failed auth attempts?
Are you using or adding any cryptographic features?
Do you use a standard proven implementations?
Are the used keys controlled by the customer? Where are they stored?
Are you introducing any new policies/roles/users?
Have you used the least-privilege principle? How?
By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.
[x] Introspection Disabled (query returns error if attempt introspection with ALLOW_INTROSPECTION False - i.e. prod_sizing True)
[x] Field Suggestions Disabled (query error message does not includ 'Did you mean ....?' if provided mistyped return field with ALLOW_INTROSPECTION False - prod_sizing True)
Feature or Bugfix
Please answer the questions below briefly where applicable, or write
. Based on OWASP 10.eval
or similar functions are used?By submitting this pull request, I confirm that my contribution is made under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license.