data61 / python-paillier

A library for Partially Homomorphic Encryption in Python
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Command line binary #6

Closed hardbyte closed 8 years ago

hardbyte commented 8 years ago

To aide testing integration between python-paillier and javallier, add a command line program to:

Initially use a standard encoding scheme.

hardbyte commented 8 years ago

I propose we serialize to a JWK:

Public Key

  "kty": "PAI", 
  "key_ops": ["encrypt"], 
  "n": "mI0ZcVCsErvAmcm5cFCyiKBdFUAxEs5VYsn9R0Jknlk", 
  "kid": "Paillier public key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-07", 
  "g": "mI0ZcVCsErvAmcm5cFCyiKBdFUAxEs5VYsn9R0Jknlo"

Private Key

The private key needs to contain the public key. Another command for the tool could be to extract the public key (similar to openssl rsa -in private.pem -outform PEM -pubout -out public.pem)

  "kty": "PAI", 
  "lambda": "mI0ZcVCsErvAmcm5cFCyhw3ZEETBTO1_0IxFFJIMKKQ", 
  "pub": {
    "kty": "PAI",
    "key_ops": ["encrypt"], 
    "n": "mI0ZcVCsErvAmcm5cFCyiKBdFUAxEs5VYsn9R0Jknlk", 
    "kid": "Paillier public key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-07", 
    "g": "mI0ZcVCsErvAmcm5cFCyiKBdFUAxEs5VYsn9R0Jknlo"
  "key_ops": ["decrypt"], 
  "kid": "Paillier private key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-07", 
  "mu": "YPRTV75i7AloPJwZY0CQncg6e-o-H9Osbrb4RhLt0Gw"
wilko77 commented 8 years ago
hardbyte commented 8 years ago
gusmith commented 8 years ago

I'm commenting to both issue #6 and #7 here because I'm not sure where to write what.

About the command line library:

In openssl, they use the command genpkey to generate a private key, followed by '-algorithm {alg_name}' ... Then they use the commands openssl rsautl -encrypt or openssl rsautl -decrypt to use the rsa utilities functions as encrypt, decrypt...

So for the generation of the private key, we could indeed be a bit more explicit but it would be nice not to have a too long command, genpkey might be a good one.

extract makes sense to extract the public key from the private key. Or following openssl, using the tag `pubout'.

Answering the previous comments:
hardbyte commented 8 years ago

I'm happy with kid including a timestamp including seconds. I don't think more randomness is necessary - it isn't a hash of the key or used for anything other that being a human readable identifier. More like the comment at the end of an openssh public key.

hardbyte commented 8 years ago

Current output:

$ python -m phe.command_line genpkey --keysize 256 -
Generating a paillier keypair with keysize of 256
Keys generated
{"lambda": "lJRWztvgs-Y1sdxn8ViF-CDX7JSK9grSyOeoRe_FllA", "mu": "HNQ8rxj2OYIZWF4dnRce3Y5ybAX2baj9IG2RwASJ6qI", "kty": "PAI", "pub": {"kid": "Paillier public key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-08 16:11:20", "n": "lJRWztvgs-Y1sdxn8ViF-bOsIYkOmdt1E9YAfwyCR7k", "alg": "PAI-GN1", "kty": "PAI", "key_ops": ["encrypt"]}, "kid": "Paillier private key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-08 16:11:20", "key_ops": ["decrypt"]}
Private key written to <stdout>

Only the json is printed to stdout, logging is to stderr. A better way to format for github:

$ python -m phe.command_line genpkey --keysize 256 - | python -m json.tool
Generating a paillier keypair with keysize of 256
Keys generated
Private key written to <stdout>
    "mu": "QwsTCSVOeyLGJYvGEHwW-9i6n8UR999hOFkPzAExguY",
    "kid": "Paillier private key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-08 16:12:57",
    "lambda": "iNpGYHCFIpjP1cSm7Ul05jXFsSO5YNpykNfSHke23JA",
    "key_ops": [
    "kty": "PAI",
    "pub": {
        "key_ops": [
        "alg": "PAI-GN1",
        "n": "iNpGYHCFIpjP1cSm7Ul057l8OjcvaYnQMC3mKWGVIlM",
        "kty": "PAI",
        "kid": "Paillier public key generated by pheutil on 2016-01-08 16:12:57"
hardbyte commented 8 years ago

:+1: for using "kty": "DAJ", "alg": "PAI-GN1".

@felixlawrence or @djvis care to weigh in?

felixlawrence commented 8 years ago

The docs say that

"kty" values should either be registered in the IANA "JSON Web Key Types" registry established by [JWA] or be a value that contains a Collision- Resistant Name.

As noted above, the whitelist of acceptable names, as of last year, comprised RSA, EC and oct.

Is "DAJ" considered 'collision-resistant'? Does this matter? Would it be a sin to be more verbose - although it looks like no-one else is doing that?

I don't really have an opinion on this because I lack the knowledge and imagination to see how these choices could make life dramatically easier or more difficult for us or for others trying to follow the standard in the future!

felixlawrence commented 8 years ago

Actually the only useful thing I'd add here is that there should maybe be some sort of versioning in here so that we could potentially be forwards-compatible if anything ever needs to change?

hardbyte commented 8 years ago

Thanks all for the ideas and feedback.