databio / pepatac

A modular, containerized pipeline for ATAC-seq data processing
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License
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bulker problem with bedToBigBed #135

Closed jpsmith5 closed 4 years ago

jpsmith5 commented 4 years ago

bedToBigBed is called by R script. So it can't call the bedToBigBed container...Not sure how to go about resolving this one, short of adding bedToBigBed to the rpipe container?

> `Rscript tools/PEPATAC.R bigbed -i /mnt/storage/processed/tutorial/results_pipeline/tutorial/peak_calling_hg38/tutorial_peaks.narrowPeak -c /mnt/storage/genomes/hg38/fasta/default/hg38.chrom.sizes -t bedToBigBed` (2175)
Bioconductor version 3.10 (BiocManager 1.30.10), ?BiocManager::install for help
sh: 1: bedToBigBed: not found
Warning message:
In system2(paste(ucsc_tool), args = c(paste("-as=", as_file, sep = ""),  :
  error in running command
[1] TRUE
nsheff commented 4 years ago

yep that's what we'd have to do. Or, make the call outside of R from within the pipeline instead.

nsheff commented 4 years ago

did this get solved?

jpsmith5 commented 4 years ago

Converted this approach to python instead of R.