databricks-demos / dbdemos

Demos to implement your Databricks Lakehouse
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RAG LLM demo on shared clusters #102

Closed guidooswaldDB closed 5 months ago

guidooswaldDB commented 5 months ago

The RAG demo works nicely when spinning up the cluster and using main catalog - I am afraid though that we run into conflicts when I have multiple students do this on the same workspace...? so I tried to use a shared cluster and separate catalog / schema and get stuck here:


Possibly an unsupported function call in shared clusters?

to reproduce: dbdemos.install('llm-rag-chatbot', overwrite=True, use_current_cluster=True, start_cluster=False, catalog='guido', schema='llm')

Run on a shared 13.3 LTS cluster (UC enabled)

QuentinAmbard commented 5 months ago

should be fixed on the next release