databricks / spark-corenlp

Stanford CoreNLP wrapper for Apache Spark
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Stanford CoreNLP wrapper for Apache Spark

This package wraps Stanford CoreNLP annotators as Spark DataFrame functions following the simple APIs introduced in Stanford CoreNLP 3.7.0.

This package requires Java 8 and CoreNLP to run. Users must include CoreNLP model jars as dependencies to use language models.

All functions are defined under com.databricks.spark.corenlp.functions.

Users can chain the functions to create pipeline, for example:

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._
import com.databricks.spark.corenlp.functions._

val input = Seq(
  (1, "<xml>Stanford University is located in California. It is a great university.</xml>")
).toDF("id", "text")

val output = input
  .select('sen, tokenize('sen).as('words), ner('sen).as('nerTags), sentiment('sen).as('sentiment)) = false)
|sen                                           |words                                                 |nerTags                                           |sentiment|
|Stanford University is located in California .|[Stanford, University, is, located, in, California, .]|[ORGANIZATION, ORGANIZATION, O, O, O, LOCATION, O]|1        |
|It is a great university .                    |[It, is, a, great, university, .]                     |[O, O, O, O, O, O]                                |4        |


If you are a Databricks user, please follow the instructions in this example notebook.


Because CoreNLP depends on protobuf-java 3.x but Spark 2.4 depends on protobuf-java 2.x, we release spark-corenlp as an assembly jar that includes CoreNLP as well as its transitive dependencies, except protobuf-java being shaded. This might cause issues if you have CoreNLP or its dependencies on the classpath.

To use spark-corenlp, you need one of the CoreNLP language models:

# Download one of the language models. 
# Run spark-shell 
spark-shell --packages databricks/spark-corenlp:0.4.0-spark_2.4-scala_2.11 --jars stanford-corenlp-3.9.1-models.jar


Many thanks to Jason Bolton from the Stanford NLP Group for API discussions.