datacarpentry / cloud-genomics

Introduction to Cloud Computing for Genomics
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Working of cloud computing and genomics #108

Open ahmedsadeque opened 3 years ago

ahmedsadeque commented 3 years ago

I see a lot of reading material on how to choose the cloud service and how to connect to it. I think I would like to see/add another topic with Cloud for Genomics section called "Dockers and Containers". A major part of researchers preferring to use the same version of tools is so that their results are reproducible. Since in cloud you are creating your own infrastructure, it is very difficult to keep track of all the environment variables and versions that were previously used. That is where dockers and containers come in. Consider docker as a virtual environment which runs your pipeline. This docker/container needs to be created once and then can be used with any machine. Thus providing you with a robust infrastructure which allows you to run multiple pipelines.

ACharbonneau commented 3 years ago

Hi there. It looks like this issue might have gotten posted in the wrong place. What is your comment referring to?

ahmedsadeque commented 3 years ago

Its not the wrong location. I wanted to post it here but maybe it is the wrong context. So in the page link there are 04 topic in the schedule. My idea is to add a new topic called Dockers and Containers in the schedule. Does that make sense?

ACharbonneau commented 3 years ago

Oh! I see. I was confused because your comment started with "Please delete the text below before submitting your contribution." I thought you wanted me to delete something about dockers that I couldn't find :)

Adding info about docker is a good idea tho, thanks!

ahmedsadeque commented 3 years ago

Oh sorry... when I opened the issue.. The first line was this "Please delete the text below before submitting your contribution" and then there was more text below that. I thought I was only supposed to delete the text below that line.. I will edit the first comment I posted. Thanks