datacontw / DataCon.TW_2022

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A Technological Solution To Data Mesh Based On Multi-hop Data Design Pattern #3

Closed jazzwang closed 5 months ago

jazzwang commented 2 years ago

一位具有數據分析背景,以大數據為主、DevOps 為輔,在雲原生環境中持續探索及發展職涯的數據從業者。11 年大數據領域工作經驗,近 6 年中累積了數據架構師、數據團隊管理、DevOps、Kubernetes 及 AWS/GCP 相關經歷。

This talk is aimed at introducing a data architecture we have been working on - Data Mesh based on multi-hop data design pattern. Data Mesh is a decentralized sociotechnical architecture that enables domain teams to share, access, manage cross-domain data analysis on their own in complex and large-scale environments. A multi-hop data design pattern is a modern architecture for building data pipelines comprised of multiple stages so that each stage processes the data and improves the quality of the data progressively. Multi-hop architecture is compatible with the concept of Data Mesh. Combining them together could be of great help in improving data quality steadily and progressively, and reducing data silos while each domain team is autonomously cooking data products. We will introduce, in this share, a technological solution we have been working on with a simple example to showcase its concepts, principles, and data stack.