datafusion-contrib / datafusion-java

Java binding to Apache Arrow DataFusion
Apache License 2.0
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Expose DataFusion Extensible Optimizer #143

Open cbiggar opened 4 weeks ago

cbiggar commented 4 weeks ago

We're considering the adoption of DataFusion as a replacement for our custom query planner and plan optimizer. However this would require the ability to extend the Optimizer with custom optimization rules given some domain specific operations.

From perusing this repo I could not establish whether this ability is exposed in the java bindings. If this capability does in fact exist, a quick pointer to the relevant class would be much appreciated.

jimexist commented 4 weeks ago

We're considering the adoption of DataFusion as a replacement for our custom query planner and plan optimizer. However this would require the ability to extend the Optimizer with custom optimization rules given some domain specific operations.

From perusing this repo I could not establish whether this ability is exposed in the java bindings. If this capability does in fact exist, a quick pointer to the relevant class would be much appreciated.

can you demo some pseudo code if you were able to do that?

cbiggar commented 4 weeks ago

Are you trying to understand the interface that I am envisaging, or are you interested in the internals of a custom optimizer that we'd wish to implement?