datajoint / datajoint-docs-original
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The description of restriction with a collection is not accurate. #250

Open shenshan opened 3 years ago

shenshan commented 3 years ago

The cell array {} does not behave like an or, but an 'and'. We should either fix datajoint (preferrable?) or the doc.


ixcat commented 3 years ago

image is from: 'warning' text in page references: which is a duplicate of: "change the interpretation of rel & {cond1, cond2} from AndList to OrList"

ixcat commented 3 years ago

still could make sense to backfill documentation of current behavior if doesn't make it into 3.4.0 (as is currently scheduled)

dimitri-yatsenko commented 3 years ago

The idea here is that this feature needs to be updated to be consistent with the general model. Any collection such as an array should be considered an OrList. Only a special AndList object should be treated as an and-list. We should update the MATLAB implementation.

SchwartzNU commented 3 years ago

Is this issue going to be fixed soon? Is there a workaround?

guzman-raphael commented 3 years ago

@SchwartzNU Currently the actual work to fix this is being tracked here. This particular issue relates to the documentation around the update/fix. As you may imagine, this is a challenging issue to address without causing confusion or unexpected restrictions post fix on users who have been relying on existing logic. We are currently targeting it to be addressed in DataJoint MATLAB release 3.5.0 with documentation to follow.