datalab-dev / covid_worksite_exposure

Scraping and visualizing the UC Davis Potential Worksite Exposure Reporting (AB 685) data
MIT License
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Write Scraping Script #1

Closed MicheleTobias closed 3 years ago

MicheleTobias commented 3 years ago

This site has a few challenges:

MicheleTobias commented 3 years ago

I made a script file - scrape_exposure_data.R - with the goals and tasks for the script at the top in a comment. This also let me set up the folder structure we need for the repo. Work in this file to write the scraping code.

MicheleTobias commented 3 years ago

@erklopez I learned some things yesterday making a demo web map. Here's a list:

  1. We need to add additional columns for the start and end of the exposure period called "start" and "end" - lower case (and without the quotes) - for the timeline tool I'm using to read it.
  2. The date format should be 09-10-2021 - with dashes and not slashes

For cleaning up the building names, let's keep the original names and add a column for what we change it to.

Here's what I think the columns will need to be in the final csv:

MicheleTobias commented 3 years ago

Great teamwork on writing this code! I appreciate the way everyone communicated where they were at in their process and commented their code so anyone could pick up where another person left off.