datalust / seq-input-rabbitmq

A Seq custom input that pulls events from RabbitMQ
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Support for queues with defined DLXs #6

Open antoniaelek opened 3 weeks ago

antoniaelek commented 3 weeks ago

Currently, it is not possible to connect this app to queues that have DLX defined. There could be a new optional parameter for the name of DLX for input queue. It should be a fairly simple change, so I can submit a PR if this is something that would be added to configuration.

liammclennan commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @antoniaelek,

I'm not very familiar with RabbitMQ. Can you please explain why the app doesn't work with queues that have DLX and how you propose to fix it?


antoniaelek commented 3 weeks ago

When you declare a queue in RabbitMQ listener, it will be created if it does not already exists. And currently it will be created without DLX. If I want my Logs queue to have DLX, then I cannot use this queue in SEQ app because SEQ app would try to create a new queue with same name, but different arguments (no DLX), and this is not allowed. If DLX was exposed as optional parameter in app configuration, we could use queues with DLX.

KodrAus commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @antoniaelek :wave: We'd accept a PR that let you specify a dead-letter queue. It looks pretty in-line with other configuration already exposed by the app.