Is it possible to have the edge highlight color apply to all edges that are highlighted in highlightNearest through VisOptions? For example, in the image of my network below, if I select a node on the second level, the connected nodes and edges all below are highlighted (compared to the rest of the network) but only the nodes directly connected to the selected node turn yellow. I would like all of the connected edges to turn yellow. Is there an option in visEdges or highlightNearest to make this happen?
Here's what I have for my code:
visNetwork(JBS_nodes, JBS_edges) %>%visHierarchicalLayout(sortMethod = "directed") %>%visEdges(arrows = "to", color = list(highlight = "yellow", inherit = FALSE)) %>%visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled =TRUE, degree = 4, algorithm = "hierarchical"))
Any advice on how to achieve this would be much appreciated! TIA
Is it possible to have the edge highlight color apply to all edges that are highlighted in highlightNearest through VisOptions? For example, in the image of my network below, if I select a node on the second level, the connected nodes and edges all below are highlighted (compared to the rest of the network) but only the nodes directly connected to the selected node turn yellow. I would like all of the connected edges to turn yellow. Is there an option in visEdges or highlightNearest to make this happen? Here's what I have for my code:
visNetwork(JBS_nodes, JBS_edges) %>%
visHierarchicalLayout(sortMethod = "directed") %>%
visEdges(arrows = "to", color = list(highlight = "yellow", inherit = FALSE)) %>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled =TRUE, degree = 4, algorithm = "hierarchical"))
Any advice on how to achieve this would be much appreciated! TIA