dattn / dnd-grid

A vuejs grid with draggable and resizable boxes
MIT License
308 stars 48 forks source link

Add License #53

Closed mattheww-skyward closed 3 weeks ago

mattheww-skyward commented 3 weeks ago

Hi! This library is great, it's the only one I've found that uses native CSS grids. However, I'm not able to use it without a license - could you please add one to the repo to clarify how it may be used? I'm interested in using it in a commercial product, so I'd love it if it were a permissive license, but I'd understand either way and I don't want to pressure you.

For my use case, I'm planning to port it to typescript and add min/max resizing limits. I'd be happy to contribute these upstream if you're interested.

Thanks very much!

dattn commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you for the nice feedback. I've put the whole project under the MIT license.