daveaglick / FluentBootstrap

Provides extensions, helper classes, model binding, and other goodies to help you use the Bootstrap CSS framework from .NET code.
MIT License
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ASP.NET MVC Core support #66

Open daveaglick opened 7 years ago

daveaglick commented 7 years ago

Independent of FluentBootstrap targeting .NET Core, we need a library that works with ASP.NET MVC Core and wraps it's IHtmlHelper interface. Now that Wyam is also using the MVC Core Razor host, this package should also work for it (and the existing FluentBootstrap.Wyam package is no longer needed).

LordMike commented 7 years ago

Hows this going? .. Now VS2017 is out so core should be fully in the open now :).

daveaglick commented 7 years ago

@LordMike This is one of those "I may get it it...eventually" issues. This project is fairly low on my priority list right now and I'm considering it in maintenance mode at the moment.

That said, I'd be happy to accept a PR that adds a new MVC Core adapter library if someone ends up putting one together.

LordMike commented 7 years ago

Sure. (I have projects like that too).. :)

As I understand this, it's a series of extension methods that emit bootstrap-py HTML, right? So in a sense, most of the code should be in place, it just needs the wiring for the new MVC?

daveaglick commented 7 years ago

That's exactly right, all the core code is framework-agnostic. There's currently libraries for old ASP.NET MVC as well as ASP.NET WebPages - a library for ASP.NET MVC Core would look very similar (form binding stuff might be a bit different, but that's not strictly required).