davestewart / nuxt-content-assets

Enable locally-located assets in Nuxt Content
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Any intentions to port this to nuxt/content? #52

Closed PatrikBird closed 9 months ago

PatrikBird commented 9 months ago

Hey :)

I'm just wondering why this was created as a separate module instead of a feature within nuxt/content and if there's any intention of porting it to the content module?

Basically this: https://github.com/nuxt/content/issues/2163

Thank you, Patrik

davestewart commented 9 months ago

Hey Patrik,

Originally the module started with modest image aims (I can't remember now) then eventually became a plug'n'play assets module which I renamed and committed all fresh code to for the initial commit.

There have been tentative discussions to roll it into the core module, but I think for now it's fine to see how it works in the wild as a module. The other risk with rolling everything into core is there would probably be less room to experiment, and longer cycles between releases, so keeping it as a module means it in theory is more flexible.

Saying that, there are annoying random (and oh-so Nuxt) issues like #49 which would probably not be a thing if it was core.

Perhaps the core authors can take my ideas and make it happen. I would have no problem with this module becoming redundant! 😁