[ ] A changelog entry exists and is marked appropriately
Emotion conversion checklist
Does it work?
[ ] Output CSS matches the previous CSS / as expected in browsers
[ ] Rendered className reads as expected in snapshots and in browsers
[ ] Checked component playground (class components wrapped in withEuiTheme need to pass true as the second argument to its propUtilityForPlayground in src-docs/src/views/{component}/playground.js)
Unit tests
[ ] shouldRenderCustomStyles() test was added and passes with parent component and any nested childProps (e.g. tooltipProps)
[ ] Removed any mount()ed snapshots in favor of render() or a more specific assertion
Sass/Emotion conversion process
[ ] Converted all global Sass vars/mixins to JS (e.g. $euiSize to euiTheme.size.base)
[ ] Removed or converted component-specific Sass vars/mixins to exported JS versions, listed removals in changelog, and manually updated our theme JSON files
[ ] Simplified calc() to mathWithUnits if possible (if mixing different unit types, this may not be possible)
[ ] Added an @warn deprecation message within the global_styling/mixins/{component}.scss file
[ ] Removed component from src/components/index.scss
[ ] Deleted any src/amsterdam/overrides/{component}.scss files (styles within should have been converted to the baseline Emotion styles)
CSS tech debt
[ ] Reduced specificity where possible (usually by reducing nesting and class name chaining)
[ ] Wrapped all animations or transitions in euiCanAnimate
[ ] Used gap property to add margin between items if using flex
[ ] Converted side specific padding, margin, and position to -inline and -blocklogical properties (check inline styles as well as CSS)
DOM cleanup
[ ] Did not remove any block/element classNames (e.g. euiComponent, euiComponent__child)
[ ] Deleted any modifier classNames or maps if not being used in Kibana. Before doing this step:
[ ] Search/grep through Kibana's codebase for {euiComponent}- (case sensitive) to check for source code usage of modifier classes
[ ] If usages exist, consider converting to a data attribute so that consumers still have something to hook into
Kibana due diligence
Pre-emptively check how your conversion will impact the next Kibana upgrade. This entails searching/grepping through Kibana (excluding **/target, **/*.snap, **/*.storyshot for less noise) for eui{Component} (case sensitive) to find:
[ ] Any test/query selectors that will need to be updated
[ ] Any Sass or CSS that will need to be updated, particularly if a component Sass var was deleted
[ ] Any direct className usages that will need to be refactored (e.g. someone calling the euiBadge class on a div instead of simply using the EuiBadge component)
[ ] Documentation pass:
[ ] Converted any remaining .js docs files to TS
[ ] Misc cleanup of docs code (e.g. combine imports to single from '../src', replace <React.Fragment> with <>)
[ ] Check for issues in the backlog that could be a quick fix for that component
[ ] Optional component/code cleanup: consider splitting up the component into multiple children if it's overly verbose or difficult to reason about
Provide a detailed summary of your PR. Explain how you arrived at your solution. If it includes changes to UI elements include a screenshot or gif.
Remove or strikethrough items that do not apply to your PR.
General checklist
Emotion conversion checklist
need to passtrue
as the second argument to itspropUtilityForPlayground
test was added and passes with parent component and any nestedchildProps
ed snapshots in favor ofrender()
or a more specific assertion$euiSize
if possible (if mixing different unit types, this may not be possible)@warn
deprecation message within theglobal_styling/mixins/{component}.scss
files (styles within should have been converted to the baseline Emotion styles)euiCanAnimate
property to add margin between items if using flex-inline
logical properties (check inline styles as well as CSS)euiComponent
(case sensitive) to check for source code usage of modifier classesdata
attribute so that consumers still have something to hook into**/target, **/*.snap, **/*.storyshot
for less noise) foreui{Component}
(case sensitive) to find:euiBadge
class on a div instead of simply using theEuiBadge
docs files to TSfrom '../src'
, replace<React.Fragment>