davidgohel / ReporteRs

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Error from addPlot() since update of gdtools #217

Closed chrisfacer closed 7 years ago

chrisfacer commented 7 years ago


I am getting an error when using the addPlot() function:

Error in PPTX_(file, bg, width, height, offx = offx, offy = offy, pointsize = pointsize, :

function 'gdtools_RcppExport_validate' not provided by package 'gdtools'

It seems to be related to the recent changes in gdtools. If I install the previous version of gdtools then I don't encounter the same problem. The example that I am running is attached. The error occurs in line 51. I believe the call is OK.

Thanks, Chris ReporteRs addPlot problem.txt

davidgohel commented 7 years ago


There has been an update with Rcpp that had side effects with gdtools/rvg, that made a temporary break on cran (you just had it). You need to update package rvg from CRAN or github.

chrisfacer commented 7 years ago

Thanks David.