davidkopp / flying-dutchman

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Make "Bartender Dashboard" page pretty #47

Open davidkopp opened 2 years ago

davidkopp commented 2 years ago


New Mockup:


Old Mockup:


Miro: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVOOfmmXg=/?moveToWidget=3458764519709827616&cot=14

See also: Make "Order" page for bartender pretty #48

davidkopp commented 2 years ago

Updated screenshot from Miro.

davidkopp commented 2 years ago

This mockup will be merged with the ideas for a separate order page (#48). So we will have one page for the bartender that contains the functionality of both pages / mockups.

davidkopp commented 2 years ago

Updated mockup from Miro in description.