davidphilipbarr / Sweep

Sweep - a small promicro based keyboard inspired by the Ferris.
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Update sweep half swept #52

Closed duckyb closed 2 years ago

duckyb commented 2 years ago

New version:

Front Back
front back


DavidSannier commented 1 year ago

Instructions about the Pro-Micro placement disturb me (newbie to hardware) Would it be correct to write on the front side : "Place Pro-Micro with components facing UP" And on the back side : "1) Place Pro-Micro with components facing DOWN 2) Close JUMPER PADS on the OPPOSITE SIDE" (And would it also be possible to remove the pads on the back side ?) I think I can PR the text part if it's ok

duckyb commented 1 year ago

And on the back side

It's not possible. This PCB is reversible so there is no "Front side" and "Back side". Both PCBs can be used as anything.

remove the pads on the back side

What you are suggesting is basically to create a non-reversible design. This already exists, checkout the Sweep v2 instead.

DavidSannier commented 1 year ago

Thank you for your answer. Yes, "front side" and "back side" are not meaningful in this case (the front side of the board used left hand, is also the back side of the board used right hand) So, unlike the sweep mini, I have to solder both right and left controllers face down, and then close the jumper pads of their respective opposite (≈"back") side. Correct ?

duckyb commented 1 year ago

@DavidSannier correct