davidwhogg / GaiaSprint

web pages and organizational material for the Gaia Sprints
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Add list with support possibilities and accessibility to homepage of 2019 Gaia Sprint #22

Open wilmatrick opened 7 years ago

wilmatrick commented 7 years ago

Somewhat related to introducing a code of conduct is that we should make sure that our workshop also promotes equal opportunity.

Therefore we should specifically mention on the webpage... ... whether there is financial support (and for whom) or not ... if there are child care possibilities during the workshop or not ... if it is possible to attend remotely (and how) or not ... whether location is wheel-chair accessible or not ... that we are willing to make an effort to make it possible for people with disabilities to attend ... etc.

(Maybe even mention that we especially encourage women to sign up for the workshop? Not sure... At least in job offers it is common practice to mention this, so why not for this workshop as well?)

davidwhogg commented 7 years ago

I agree with all these.