davidwhogg / GaiaSprint

web pages and organizational material for the Gaia Sprints
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name too tech-bro? #40

Open davidwhogg opened 6 years ago

davidwhogg commented 6 years ago

@megbedell points out that the word "Sprint" might imply tech world things that we don't want to imply.

adrn commented 6 years ago

Ah the proverbial problem. Does @megbedell have other suggestions? I think we've been crushed by this problem (of finding a better name) before in trying to rename hack day / hack week, no?

davidwhogg commented 6 years ago

Yes, yes we have. The AAS Hack Day went to AAS Hack Together Day.

megbedell commented 6 years ago

Gaia Co-working Week? Gaia Co-Op? Gaia Jam Session? (jk... or am I)

Other people may disagree but in my opinion "hack day/week" is still better than "sprint" because the latter has Silicon Valley cult associations whereas "hacking" is a more widespread term these days.

abonaca commented 6 years ago

Just to provide another viewpoint -- I haven't realized until just now that there are non-running associations with the word "sprint".

adrn commented 6 years ago

Yea, those are all good issues to bring up. I'm definitely not opposed to renaming!

One of the things that makes this challenging is that people have conflicting opinions about what words are hostile. In trying to rename AAS Hack Day, we found that some people are strongly against the word "hack" because of other things it may imply to people unfamiliar with the more recent usage of the word.

adrn commented 6 years ago

I guess "strongly against" is not quite right: some people expressed that they found the word "hack" intimidating because they thought we were going to hack the CIA.

wilmatrick commented 6 years ago

Can we think of something along the line of "The Gaia Jump-in" (or whatever works in English...)? We keep the sports analogy, but it's also about coming together, having fun, immediately getting our hands dirty with the new data...

abonaca commented 6 years ago

Just out of curiosity, what would "The Gaia Jump-in" sound in German?

wilmatrick commented 6 years ago

Oh my, there is no German translation... I thought it might work in English, "jump-in" like "get-together"? No?

megbedell commented 6 years ago

I guess "kick-off" would be a similar sports analogy? Although as @davidwhogg pointed out there is a connotation of trying to finish projects/papers with "sprint," whereas "kick-off" or similar loses that sense of a finish line in sight.

abonaca commented 6 years ago

There is definitely a more distinct sense of urgency implied by "sprint", although I think "kick-off" might have ended up being a more accurate description of the past meetings :)

wilmatrick commented 6 years ago

Another idea: "Gaia Mining Week"? It's reminiscent of "data mining", and also about getting "gems" out of the dirty data, i.e. pretty little projects that can be done in one week?

Other than that, I have talked to someone working in industry yesterday, and the way how they understand "sprint" in the context of the scrum technique is actually much closer to the concept of our Gaia Sprint than the sports analogy that I thought we had originally in mind. https://www.scrum.org/resources/blog/typical-sprint-play-play So now I don't see the problem with using "sprint" in the tech world sense and like the name even better than before.

megbedell commented 6 years ago

Yeah, I agree that "sprint" is an accurate description in the tech-world sense, my objection is just that adopting that terminology builds associations with bro-ey tech organizations and that may be counter to increasing diversity at the events.

That said, it does seem like the vast majority of people won't make that association anyway, so I've personally come around to "sprint" as the best option.

davidwhogg commented 6 years ago

@abonaca says we should call it the Gaia Stroll !

jradavenport commented 6 years ago

As others point out, co-working, hack, and sprint all have Tech meaning that we may not want to embrace, and has plagued us for (re)branding the AAS end-of-week-event.

Off the cuff alternatives: Gaia Retreat, Gaia-fest, Gaiathon (or Gaiathalon if we want to really ace the soundalike portmanteau), Gaia Storm, or Gaia Create

I don't know that changing Gaia Sprint now is key, but coming up with new names/terms to call this growing class of events that minimize tech/bro/etc ideation is a useful exercise!