daviswr / ZenPacks.daviswr.Aruba.Instant

Aruba Instant AP monitoring for Zenoss
MIT License
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snmpindex error #4

Closed sempervictus closed 1 year ago

sempervictus commented 2 years ago

Caught this gem over the weekend:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/opt/zenoss/Products/DataCollector/zenmodeler.py", line 669, in processClient
    datamaps = plugin.process(device, results, self.log)
  File "/opt/zenoss/ZenPacks/ZenPacks.daviswr.Aruba.Instant-0.7.0-py2.7.egg/ZenPacks/daviswr/Aruba/Instant/modeler/plugins/daviswr/snmp/ArubaInstant.py", line 395, in process
    for radio_index in ap_radios[ap['snmpindex']]:
KeyError: 'snmpindex'

Device from which the error originated is ArubaOS (MODEL: 315), Version

daviswr commented 2 years ago

Hm.. Not quite sure what configuration would lead to that scenario. I might email later asking for some specific SNMP walks if that's alright. A debug run of zenmodeler against the AP in question limited to --collect=daviswr.snmp.ArubaInstant would be helpful in the mean time, though. Email's fine for that so details aren't out here on GH.

Is the AP in question a cluster member that's being monitored individually, or a truly stand-alone AP (Maintenance > Convert > Stand Alone)? tbh, I haven't done much with the latter case.

Are there other APs monitored in similar configs?

All that said, I've tried to add some basic safety checks for this in 5911f537d2ed62c1727f023a97db7067b00e0ead . Let me know what that does?

sempervictus commented 2 years ago

The safeties look solid. I'll get the new zenpack into the stack sometime this week. The AP is part of a small cluster - 3 total, and its been monitored for quite a while. There wasnt any activity around that event either, seems to have "come out of the blue."