dbordak / telephone-line

A new implementation of Powerline for Emacs
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Using ryo-modal breaks left side separators #58

Closed hgersen closed 6 years ago

hgersen commented 6 years ago

I'm trying to get the combination of telephone-line and ryo-modal working, which does not work as expected. This happens in a GUI frame.

Without ryo-modal the default ABS arrows show up both on the left and the right hand side. However when I enable the ryo-modal package the separator on the left side in no longer correct. In this case it displays a straight line instead of the arrow as can be seen in the following image.


The message buffer has the following errors, which it keeps repeating:

Error during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-separator-render telephone-line-abs-left (telephone-line-face-map (quote nil)) (tError during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-separator-render telephone-line-abs-left (telephone-line-face-map (quote quote)) (telephone-line-face-map (quote ryo)))) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
Error during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-add-subseparators (quote (accent)) telephone-line-abs-hollow-left (quote quote))) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
Error during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-separator-render telephone-line-abs-left (telephone-line-face-map (quote nil)) (telephone-line-face-map (quote quote)))) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
Error during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-separator-render telephone-line-abs-left (telephone-line-face-map (quote quote)) (telephone-line-face-map (quote ryo)))) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)
Error during redisplay: (eval (telephone-line-add-subseparators (quote (accent)) telephone-line-abs-hollow-left (quote quote))) signaled (wrong-type-argument stringp nil)

The configuration for telephone-line I use is pretty standard as , which is:

(use-package telephone-line
  :ensure t
  (setq telephone-line-lhs
        '((ryo . (telephone-line-ryo-modal-segment))
          '(accent . (telephone-line-vc-segment
          (nil . (telephone-line-minor-mode-segment
  (setq telephone-line-rhs
        '((nil . (telephone-line-misc-info-segment))
          (accent . (telephone-line-major-mode-segment))
          (ryo . (telephone-line-airline-position-segment))))

  (telephone-line-mode t))

No clue what is going wrong here, so hopefully this triggers thoughts on what is going wrong here.

hgersen commented 6 years ago

Found it finally and as usual after creating a bug-report.

The error is in my config as there is a stray quote left in the second line of telephone-line-lhs, which is what triggered this problem.