dbpedia / dbpedia-chatbot-backend

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DBpedia Question Answering System

A Question Answering pipeline to provide users with richer responses.

This repository will provide the implementation of the project proposed that is funded by the Google Summer of Code program.

The final Dbpedia Chatbot [Demo].

The project Supervision and support is done by:

Two backend services of this chatbot consists of webhook and rdf_visualization. To build and run the docker images of these two services, please follow the below steps:

  1. Webhook: Run the command bash ./Webhook/build.sh in your main directory (dbpedia-chatbot-backend). Open your browser to the URL given on your terminal once the server is up!
  2. RDF Visualizatotion: Run the command bash ./rdf_visualization/build.sh in your main directory (dbpedia-chatbot-backend). Open your browser to the URL given on your terminal once the server is up!

Use cases of the future QA system:

Visualization of the current QA system:

    graph TD
        subgraph End-User
            res(Default Response)
            exp(Input Expression)
            cres(Custom Response)
            superres(Response) --> | | cres(Custom Response)
            superres(Response) --> | | res(Default Response)
        subgraph Fullfillment
            wh(Webhook) --> |contains| H(components.js);
            wh(Webhook) --> |contains| I(app.js);
            wh(Webhook) --> |contains| J(intent.js);
        subgraph Dialogflow
            A(Dialogflow-Agent) -->|contains| B(Entities);
            A(Dialogflow-Agent) -->|contains| C(Intents);
            A(Dialogflow-Agent) --> |check fulfillment| fc(Fulfillment Checker)
            fc(Fulfillment Checker) --> |enabled| wh(Webhook)
            fc(Fulfillment Checker) --> |disabled| res(Default Response)
        subgraph RDF-Visualization
            F(app.py) --> |uses| E(index.html);
            I(app.js) --> |graph request| F(app.py);
        exp(Input Expression) --> |intent matching| A(Dialogflow-Agent)
        I(app.js) --> |uses| H(components.js);
        I(app.js) --> |uses| J(intent.js);
        I(app.js) --> |give response| cres(Custom Response)