dcaoyuan / nbscala

NetBeans Plugin for Scala
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Q: preventing sbt console on start #139

Closed gaydenko closed 9 years ago

gaydenko commented 9 years ago

There are use cases when it can be handy to avoid sbt console automatic starting during IDE startup. Is it possible to prevent?

dcaoyuan commented 9 years ago

It won't start after the .classpath_nb was created. Or, you can run "sbt netbeans" outside NetBeans before open NetBeans, thus, NetBeans will not try to open console to run "sbt netbeans" by itself.

gaydenko commented 9 years ago

I have this structure:


Here root is an sbt project aggregating subprj1..subprjN, and project contains Build.scala definition. So I have started sbt in appRoot dir, and netbeans command created .classpath_nb in subprojects' and root directories.

On the other hand the IDE sees appRoot as scala project also. This project isn't needed to code, but, being opened, this appRoot project includes project directory into git-related operation (and that is handy - to have the only project for all vcs operations). And this is the project which results in starting sbt console on every IDE (re)start.

At the moment I'm trying this workaround: I have created appRoot/.classpath_nb file with empty classpath element and opened this project. After IDE restarting sbt console wasn't activated. Will see further. So, closing the issue for now.