dcos-labs / dcos-jupyterlab-service

JupyterLab Notebook for Mesosphere DC/OS
Apache License 2.0
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TF 1.11 Dataset API Notebook Patch #40

Closed fabianbaier closed 6 years ago

fabianbaier commented 6 years ago

Background: https://github.com/yahoo/TensorFlowOnSpark/pull/361 fixes broken examples, in particular mnist_dist.py and mnist_spark.py by introducing TF 1.11 dataset api and minor bug fixes. We were using an older version in our notebooks/TFoS.ipynb examples which broke the example.

Accordingly, I updated our TFoS example.

Updated TFoS.ipynb for TF 1.11:


Testing: Feel free to test it with the most current latest image by simply cloning this branch into your workspace: git clone --single-branch -b fabianbaier-tfos-patch-dataset https://github.com/dcos-labs/dcos-jupyterlab-service

vishnu2kmohan commented 6 years ago

Are you still working on this @fabianbaier or should I review it now?

fabianbaier commented 6 years ago

@vishnu2kmohan it is rdy for review.