dcpurton / biblatex-sbl

Society of Biblical Literature (SBL) style files for biblatex
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Syntax for division of source #43

Closed maieul closed 7 years ago

maieul commented 8 years ago

Reading https://github.com/plk/biblatex/issues/424, I saw you used | to mark the division of source.

Maybe I will play for myself, but I think it will be better to kept the have the same system to mark division of source. And there is already a system for that, provided by https://www.ctan.org/pkg/biblatex-source-division

maieul commented 8 years ago

In this package, the syntaxe used is \cite[(Source division)pageref]{source}

dcpurton commented 8 years ago

Ah! If had known of the existence of your package, it might have saved me a considerable amount of pain. I had trouble with expansion with splitting the postnote in two until someone pointed me to xparse. I simply invented the syntax of the pipe character as I needed something that probably wouldn't appear in either part.

Your syntax is more standard for latex and using titleaddon has some compatibility advantages. But how could I do something like this:

\autocite[§3 (A I 11--17)|26]{disappearanceofsungod}

The parentheses stuff up your syntax. But I don't know how to get latex to produce them another way without entering mathmode which then changes the font.

maieul commented 8 years ago


\autocite[�3 (A I 11--17)|26]{disappearanceofsungod}

what does mean each part ?

dcpurton commented 8 years ago

:) I have no idea. It's one of the examples from the SBL handbook of style. I have an M.Div which is a graduate degree in theology. I never really needed to reference ANE texts, and not even classical ones beyond ANF ad NPNF.

The example given in the handbook is this:


   12. “The Disappearance of the Sun God,” §3 (A I 11–17) (Harry A. Hoffner Jr., _Hittite Myths,_ ed. Gary M. Beckman, WAW 2 [Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990], 26). ### Abbreviations WAW   Writings from the Ancient World ### Bibliography Hoffner, Harry A., Jr. _Hittite Myths._ Edited by Gary M. Beckman. WAW 2. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 1990. --- Here's the page from the second edition of Hoffner, so it's page 27 instead of 26: ![disappear](https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/6268044/15447980/f0d4d26a-1f91-11e6-9f59-f688a557bc75.png) This shows what §3 (A I 11–17) refers to. My guess is that §3 and A I 11–17 are two different systems for referring to the same lines in the text. Perhaps the reference in parentheses refers to the original text and §3 the translation. Either way, I can't make your `biblatex-source-division` package pass the parentheses through, as it gets confused about where the end of the argument comes. This is my current bib implementation: ``` @book{hoffner:1990, author = {Hoffner, Jr., Harry A.}, title = {Hittite Myths}, editor = {Beckman, Gary M.}, series = {Writings from the Ancient World}, shortseries = {WAW}, number = {2}, location = {Atlanta}, publisher = {Scholars Press}, date = {1990} } @ancienttext{disappearanceofsungod, title = {The Disappearance of the Sun God}, related = {hoffner:1990} } ``` ``` TeX \autocite[§3 (A I 11--17)|26]{disappearanceofsungod} \printbiblist{abbreviations} \printbibliography ``` It's simple and works well.
dcpurton commented 8 years ago

Ah! Just realised, I could use braces for your syntax:

\autocite[({§3 (A I 11--17)})26]{dissappearanceofsungod}

I'll think about switching, but I still quite like my pipe character option :)

dcpurton commented 8 years ago

By the way, why did you decide to use the titleaddon field? What happens if the bib entry already uses this?

maieul commented 8 years ago

I decided to use the titleaddon field because I considered that the division of source could be considered as an extension of the title, as it is a subdivision of work. Also because good placed in the default style, so not need any modification.

If title addon field is used, it will be overread. But as I see no example of use of title addon I don't see any problem. However, I use titleaddon field for books which are partially edited in one physical volume. For example in the "Source Chr�tiennes"

    Annotator = {Laurent {Angliviel de la Beaumelle} and Guy Sabbah},
    Author = {{�vagre le Scholastique}},
    Date-Added = {2014-11-12 15:12:57 +0000},
    Date-Modified = {2014-11-12 15:18:35 +0000},
    Editor = {Bidez, Joseph and Parmentier, L�on},
    Introduction = {Guy Sabbah},
    Number = {542},
    Series = {Sources Chr�tiennes},
    Shortseries = {SC},
    Title = {Histoire eccl�siastique},
    Titleaddon = {Livres I-III},
    Translator = {Festugi�re, Andr�-Jean and Bernard Grillet and Guy Sabbah}}
maieul commented 8 years ago

I think you should use \mkbibparens instead of directly (), because would manage parens in parens -> brackets.

dcpurton commented 7 years ago

I think it is worth changing my syntax. I will use your syntax, but with a different implementation since using titleaddon creates some problems for SBL style.

maieul commented 7 years ago

As implementation is for your style, that doesnot matter. But having the same syntax while facilitate migration from one style to an other one.