ddf-org / ddf-org.github.io

DDF website
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Wishlist #1

Open lapidus opened 5 years ago

lapidus commented 5 years ago


Making the DDF standard accessible and useful to people outside the internal, existing community, starts with state-of-the-art documentation and guides.


The DDF Github organization aims to:

What exists today?

Websites https://open-numbers.github.io/ddf.html https://ddf-utils.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ https://github.com/Gapminder/ddf-validation

Data model (30 pages) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Cd2kEH5w3SRJYaDcu-M4dU5SY8No84T3g-QlNSW6pIE/edit#heading=h.5h1e33vzhdlu

CSV format (31 pages) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aynARjsrSgOKsO1dEqboTqANRD1O9u7J_xmxy8m5jW8/edit#heading=h.1nakjy92hz6r

DDF Query format (18 pages) https://docs.google.com/document/d/1olFm-XXjWxQ4LrTCfM42an6LbjbIgnt__V1DZxSmnuQ/edit


This issue aims to produce a first wishlist for a better ecosystem to navigate and understand the DDF standard and it's applications. When the wishlist has been further developed it will be split into an MVP (minimum viable product) – consisting of features that will immediately increase the impact of DDF – and another list of "Add-on functionality" that are considered more as "nice-to-haves".

Current draft:

Suggested Tech:

Please contribute ideas and links below. I will updated the above text to reflect your ideas.

jheeffer commented 5 years ago

Here's current public DDF documentation: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1IflpeZ-03ltqiujDTKN6duQkxjo7CrlO?usp=sharing

Including: A simpler, shorter, introduction to DDFcsv A few points of comparison against SDMX DDFcsv datapackage specification Overview of ideas/problems to solve for DDF 2

These can be used as starting points for the DDF (documentation) site we're envisioning.

semio commented 5 years ago

Hey! I wrote a doc about how we do etl a while ago: ETL Tasks in Gapminder Which includes recommendations for etl project structure and tools manage a project. This might be useful too