deStrO / eBot-CSGO-Web

The eBot CS:GO panel
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Create Admin Account over web/installation #40

Closed 4everGhost closed 1 year ago

4everGhost commented 9 years ago

in: /web/installation/2.php

When register a new account over the installation setup the code will insert the clear text password into the table "sf_guard_user" password field. The result is that you can't login in over the /web/admin.php site.

(email_address, username, algorithm, salt, password, is_active, is_super_admin, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('".$_POST['email']."', '".$_POST['username']."', 'sha1', '".$salt."', '".$_POST['password']."', '1', '1', NOW(), NOW())");

as you can see it insert the $_POST['password'], not the SHA1 hash of the salt and password.

ps.: Else everything is working fine, I just manually updated the password field with the right SHA1 hash and was able to login.