dealii / code-gallery

A collection of codes based on deal.II contributed by deal.II users
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Linear elastoplasticity #62

Open jppelteret opened 5 years ago

jppelteret commented 5 years ago

Linear elastoplasticity with linear isotropic hardening. Geometries include a notched cylindrical specimen and a tensile specimen.

jppelteret commented 5 years ago

This is still a WIP, so please do not review or merge this yet.

jppelteret commented 4 years ago

@dealii/dealii I've just finished this code-gallery example. It would be nice if someone could quickly skim over the README file to proof read it. Otherwise, I guess I'll merge it in a couple of days time.

peterrum commented 4 years ago

I'll have a look at the code. Give till the weekend!

jppelteret commented 4 years ago

Thanks for reviewing this a few days ago @peterrum. I just wanted to drop by to say thanks, and that your comments have lead me to doing a bit more work on this (I added in a check, and the LHS and RHS of this equality don't match, making me wonder what the source of the discrepancy is). So I'm not ignoring your comments, but am rather trying to figure that potential issue out. Any rewrite parts of the theory along the way >:-|