dear-github / dear-github

:incoming_envelope: An open letter to GitHub from the maintainers of open source projects
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Free Private Repos #120

Open ghost opened 8 years ago

ghost commented 8 years ago

Please make unlimited private repos like BitBucket and GitLab did. Thank You!

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

I don't think that's possible. Private repos are a big part of their revenue model. They could do a better job at how they charge.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

Absolutely not. I have no problem paying for private repos, because I have no problem monetarily supporting a company that does a good job. Same reason why I support Slack - their business model isn't greedy and makes sense for the prices they ask.

Pretty sure I'm speaking for most developers.

garymoon commented 8 years ago

I agree both that private repos shouldn't be free, but that they could do a better job charging.

I currently pay for a GitHub account that I don't really use (using bitbucket instead, but I dislike that it's free) because I wish to support GitHub, but have many more than 5 private repos, all of fairly small size. Charging by size or collaborators instead of number of repos would be great for me.

ghost commented 8 years ago

I hear what you guys are saying, I don't mind having payed private repos too. But I think they should at least have 3 free ones for those who can't afford to pay. Even 1 private repo would be a huge plus, for things like private dotfiles/configs you don't want public. So I'm not saying making it completely free, but something for everyone. Because the only reason I continue to use BitBucket and GitLab is because of those free private repos :-)

Qix- commented 8 years ago

Why not use gists?

denji commented 8 years ago

In gists there is a bug when you fork gist and "Make Private" it is still possible to find based gist and link to private gist.{user}/{hash}/forks
ghost commented 8 years ago

Private Gists are useless compared to Private Repos :-)

Qix- commented 8 years ago

How are they useless compared to repos?

Qix- commented 8 years ago

They're perfect for dotfiles or config files

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

$7/mo for 5 private repos really isn't a lot, and it's pretty unreasonable to think that they should provide free private repos just because not everyone can afford them.

Are hosting providers required to offer free hosting because you can't afford the service?

joschi commented 8 years ago

How are they useless compared to repos?

There's no authentication/authorization required to access "private" (e. g. only the URL isn't published) Gists. Private repositories on the other hand require valid credentials to access.

aensley commented 8 years ago

I hope they never do this. If you want free private repos, go to those other guys. GitHub is able to make a quality product because their customers (myself included) are willing to pay for it. I don't understand how free repos for open source isn't enough for some people. That's a heck of a lot. We are not entitled to free everything.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

@joschi that doesn't make them useless.

The fact you get free hosting for code isn't enough? $7 is too much? Saddening.

joschi commented 8 years ago


@joschi that doesn't make them useless.

Let's just say it makes Gists less useful for dot-files, which may contain sensitive information you don't want to share with the world.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

@joschi less useful != useless. Also, gists' URLs are hashes. The chances of someone coming across them are slim.

As for private repositories, why not support the site that you use all the time by contributing $7 to keep them afloat? Is that not reasonable?

aensley commented 8 years ago

$7/month is less than a Netflix subscription...

joschi commented 8 years ago


As for private repositories, why not support the site that you use all the time by contributing $7 to keep them afloat? Is that not reasonable?

If that was directed at me, I'm a paying customer. I was just addressing the question why Gists are less useful for hosting sensitive data than private repositories…

Qix- commented 8 years ago

You probably shouldn't be putting sensitive data on Github to begin with, honestly. :P

brianjking commented 8 years ago

I'd like to see perhaps 5 private repos for free (individuals only). If nothing else, I think it would really be nice to see private wiki/issues controls on existing repos or separate repos entirely.

But yeah, I definitely can say that $7 is really nothing and I'm a paying customer.

looterz commented 8 years ago

Just one private repo would be super appreciated, but I can see why they wouldn't as its a big part of their revenue model.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

One private repo would be acceptable I suppose. Obviously we have no idea how much that one repo affects their model, though.

devonzara commented 8 years ago

I agree, 1 or 2 private repos would be nice for non-commercial uses (eg. personal sites/blogs) or something, but I understand that it would likely affect their pricing model. I think it'd be something worth considering if they can find a way to use it to their advantage without hurting their business.

Perhaps the free private repos could have some sort of limited functionality... Not to the point that it renders them nearly useless, but rather limit the functionality that would typically only be required by larger projects or commercially used repos - it would then act as an incentive to upgrade to a paid subscription.

AlicanC commented 8 years ago

Private repos should be free if only one person has access to them. This would cover:

I've actually realized that hosting my private repos on GitHub gives me zero benefit. Paying 12$/mo for nothing is stupid. It is my stupidity of course, I should host them on my VPS.

Edit: There was an off topic discussion between me and @joshmanders after this post. I removed my parts to keep this issue clean. You can find the whole thing in the screenshot below if you are interested:

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

Paying 12$/mo for nothing is stupid.

You're supporting GitHub. They gotta pay their bills somehow.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

When I pay money for nothing

Clearly if you want it so bad, it's not nothing.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

You're being childish and entitled.

joshmanders commented 8 years ago

What a for-profit company offers for free is an advertisement for what they sell.

Private repos are not free.

What we are using here is a free sample, just like the ones we are handed in stores.

Private repos are not free.

Wikipedia is a service you should feel bad for not supporting, not GitHub.

That makes no sense, because GitHub is a for-profit company, nobody should support them?

Of course you could love GitHub so much that it makes you want to tip (and even ask others to tip) but this is really not the time for it.

Nobody, especially GitHub are asking for tips.

It is time for us to ground it and cut its allowance so it realizes it did something bad.

We did not make GitHub, GitHub made GitHub, we cannot "ground it" or "cut it's allowance". All we can do is leave the service.

despite it being more expensive.

$7/mo for 5 private repos is not expensive.

but it should be a half-day's work at most.

Clearly you've never worked on a big codebase or had ya know... Management to deal with. Bureaucratic bullshit isn't what I like, but who are we to tell GitHub how to run their business?

I'm not sure if I'm being understood or given the middle finger.

You're being impatient, childish, and entitled.

Qix- commented 8 years ago

Github has reduced their planset and has a single personal plan with unlimited private repositories.

ron-wolf commented 7 years ago


@joschi that doesn't make them useless.

Let's just say it makes Gists less useful for dot-files, which may contain sensitive information you don't want to share with the world.

@joschi Dude, just add “/.*” to your .gitignore.

joschi commented 7 years ago

@ron-wolf Dude, you might want to read the whole thread again before replying. kthxbye.

Qix- commented 7 years ago

@joschi If your sensitive information is too sensitive to have in a secret gist with a 1 in 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639935 (the actual number) chance of someone finding it, then you shouldn't be putting it on the internet.


joschi commented 7 years ago

@Qix- Yeah, I mean do whatever you like and be happy with it. Peace! ☮️

joshmanders commented 7 years ago

I looks like I was talking to myself earlier.

gingerbeardman commented 5 years ago

There are now unlimited private repos on the Free tier!

Qix- commented 5 years ago

Yep, should be closed. :)