dearman / activizdotnet

Activiz.NET-7.1.1 a .NET wrapper for VTK 7.1.1
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vtkwindow is null #12

Open zengxiuhao opened 3 days ago

zengxiuhao commented 3 days ago

iI put the render control in the tab but it doesn't show up. I loaded the 3d data into memory. but vs report vtkrenderwindow is null. if i frist show the rendercontrol in the mianform. it runs no error. i think the vtkwindow do Not created in the constructor。

how can i do to resolve problem

dearman commented 3 days ago

I don't believe I have a build environment setup for this project anymore. Maybe in a couple weeks I can get it going again and take a look at your code.

zengxiuhao commented 3 days ago

i create a project test; the project contain a tabcontrol and zhe tabcontrol have 4 tab. the second tab contain a rendercontrol. defalut. the frist tab is select. when i start application. frist tab is selected and other tab is not select. and i click a button .to check the vtkrenderwindow of rendercontrol is null? 微信截图_20241128105949

and my code :


when i click the button ,the messagebox is show render window is null.

why i ask this quetion,because ,i need to load data to render control in back. i click the tab ,it can show