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Optimize AWS costs, focused on lower-traffic operation #2117

Open jpd236 opened 4 months ago

jpd236 commented 4 months ago

The current CloudFormation scheme scales nicely for higher traffic events, but is a bit overkill for running with low traffic throughout the rest of the year. I'd like to optimize the costs a bit to make keeping it running a bit more palatable, even if it comes at the cost of some overall reliability.

I think the main win here would be to support a single-instance of EC2 so the NLB could be dropped, as that is the most expensive component. If we assume coturn is necessary for full voice chat reliability, I think we have no choice but to support terminating TLS within the EC2 instance and managing our own certificate. (If it were just HTTP(S) traffic, I think we could use Cloudfront, which has a pretty large always-free tier). Amazon's certificate manager can't be used directly within EC2.

So for single instance, I believe we need to:

As I understand it, this would eliminate a ~$16.20/month cost for the NLB. Data transfer costs look higher from EC2 but only after the first 100 GB which is free.

From there, two other ideas I have for optimization:

Overall, I think that puts baseline costs at $3.60 for the IP + $0.50 for the Route 52 config + the EC2 costs ($8.35 for t2.micro) = $12.45/month. Higher than a simple Heroku instance, but much more reasonable than the ~$30 I think it would run to right now.

I'm not super familiar with AWS so the above may have some flaws/misunderstandings, and/or there may be better ways of optimizing here. Thoughts welcome :)

ebroder commented 4 months ago

Overall, I'm broadly on board with this. I hit a mental block at "we can't use ACM anymore", so I'm glad you're pushing this forward.

A few specific notes: