Open jbicha opened 7 years ago
The debops.console
role checks POSIX capabilities, looking specifically for cap_sys_admin
, to see if it can modify mount points. You can check the current POSIX capabilities on root
account by executing the capsh --print
It seems that the LXD environment lies about the allowed POSIX capabilities (intentionally or not, I'm not sure). Since the role sees that the cap_sys_admin
capability is present, it assumes that it can remount filesystems at will to change the mount point parameters. And the parent host blocks that. See this issue for similar situation.
The consensus seems to be that dropping cap_sys_admin
capability is not a good approach and you should check the specific capabilities the system allows you against a given resource, but from skimming that thread it seems that there's no good way to do that from userspace (not sure about current situation).
So, how to solve this? If you give me a reliable way to check if the role can remount filesystems, that should do it. Right now you can mark all hosts under LXD to not configure the hidepid
option in /proc
This little workaround works for me: console_proc_hidepid: "{{ ansible_virtualization_type not in ['lxc'] }}"
Test case with lxd
For more about lxd, see Stephane's tutorials from last year.
sudo apt install lxd
lxc init ubuntu:16.04 EXAMPLE
lxc config set EXAMPLE user.user-data - < cloud-init-config.yml
lxc start EXAMPLE
debops init TESTING
lxc ls
will show you the IP address after the virtual machine bootsEXAMPLE ansible_ssh_host=
debops -l EXAMPLE
What happens
The first time I run the debops script, it fails at the hidepid task. The second time I run it, it works. This fails the first time every time I run a new virtual machine.
TASK [debops.console : Make sure that system group with access to /proc exists] task path: /home/jeremy/.local/share/debops/debops-playbooks/roles/debops.console/tasks/proc_hidepid.yml:3 ok: [EXAMPLE] => {"changed": false, "gid": 995, "name": "procadmins", "state": "present", "system": true}
TASK [debops.console : Configure /proc with hidepid= in /etc/fstab] **** task path: /home/jeremy/.local/share/debops/debops-playbooks/roles/debops.console/tasks/proc_hidepid.yml:10 fatal: [EXAMPLE]: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "failed": true, "msg": "Error mounting /proc: mount: cannot remount proc read-write, is write-protected\n"}