decred / dcrweb

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News and Posts subpage – implementation and preparation #561

Closed ta-lind closed 1 year ago

ta-lind commented 5 years ago


Now that we got the hugo implementation, got this long in the pipeline item addressed.

Front-end implementation assigned for @rmykolas – design source files, specs, assets:

**Announcements**, containing following post types:
- Announcements (e.g. old dcr blogposts, and ideally replacing the future ones)
- Release Updates
- Service announcements (saved for any rare emergency notices)

**Research and Development**, containing following post types:
- General Research and Writings 
- Dev Posts/Mentions/Research

**Community**, containing following post types:
- General community posts (e.g. noteworthy discussions, mentions)
- Show DCR (e.g. user projects and initiatives)
- Broadcast, streams, videos

**Media and Events**, containing following post types:
- Decred in media (half of the current press page) 
- Press releases, interviews (other half of the current press page) 
- Events and Meetups

**Contributing**, containing following post types:
- Help needed (e.g. norteworthy  gh issues)
- RFPs

Noting that the post types are only descriptive and use icons 
for their representation for now. How well these function and 
get populated can be seen after some usage and optimized then. 

Naming feedback/discussion Interested in getting some feedback regarding the naming of this subpage as only "News" isn't most accurate. The page is a type of portal that is both a publishing source of announcements and releases as well a recollection of outside mentions, contribution opportunities, posts, events etc. Did consider names such as "Portal" "Newsfeed" "News and Feeds", "Newsportal", "Newsboard" "Broadcast" "Comms" and such … so far "News and Posts" seems most accurate and rolls off the tongue. Better options what are more accurate and not obscure welcomed.

Content for launch / help needed Ideally the subpage should be launched with pre-populated content for all categories. For example all of the announcements from should be linked, perhaps some of the recent or bigger dev dispatches, recent and more mention worthy research bits. If anyone can pick up this work, best to make a separate issue for planning the content, thanks.

peterzen commented 5 years ago

> * Posts will need to open in separate pages to keep page load optimal.

For content items such as Press releases, which are internal links, the opening of a new window may be unnecessary. Instead of the current JS based accordion layout it would be best to render the news items on separate pages (under unique URLs) so that this content becomes accessible to search engines, as well.

ta-lind commented 5 years ago

Yup that's what I meant. Staying in the same browser window but different pages instead of everything in accordions.

Dustorf commented 5 years ago

Exciting initiative. I'm supportive of the idea but think we can condense the buckets from 5 to max 3. What about: News & Events (would include announcements) Original Content (research, writing) Help Wanted (FRPs, issues)

I also agree we need a good way to describe it collectively. The first two go together easily and could be described by your suggestions. What if we move the RFPs/issues over to the new Self-Funding subpage? It would describe the contractor model, then list the available ways to work for Decred

oregonisaac commented 5 years ago
Would it be possible to move on the "meetup" portion?  Seeing that as a stronger push I would like to be able to advertise the meetups happening through Telegram and other social media through an official channel like the website so folks from around the world who have connected virtually can start meeting in person.
Some meetups I know about:
Vancouver BC, CA -
Toronto, ON, CA -
Portland OR, USA -
Melbourne, Australia -
Katowice, Poland -
Sao Paulo, Brazil -

There are probably more I don't know about, and it would be great to have them promoted.  Perhaps @Dustorf has a more extensive list.
Dustorf commented 5 years ago

People are acting pretty autonomously. There will be a SF meetup on March 6th, but there aren't more I know about. It will be great to allow people to share info with the web team to get them on the site easily in the future

peterzen commented 5 years ago
Would it be possible to move on the "meetup" portion?  Seeing that as a stronger push I would like to be able to advertise the meetups happening through Telegram and other social media through an official channel like the website so folks from around the world who have connected virtually can start meeting in person.
Some meetups I know about:
Vancouver BC, CA -
Toronto, ON, CA -
Portland OR, USA -
Melbourne, Australia -
Katowice, Poland -

There are probably more I don't know about, and it would be great to have them promoted.  Perhaps @Dustorf has a more extensive list.
Would it be possible to move on the "meetup" portion?  Seeing that as a stronger push I would like to be able to advertise the meetups happening through Telegram and other social media through an official channel like the website so folks from around the world who have connected virtually can start meeting in person.
Some meetups I know about:
Vancouver BC, CA -
Toronto, ON, CA -
Portland OR, USA -
Melbourne, Australia -
Katowice, Poland -

There are probably more I don't know about, and it would be great to have them promoted.  Perhaps @Dustorf has a more extensive list.

+1 for such an event calendar section, it would be very useful.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Interested in getting some feedback regarding the naming of this subpage as only "News" isn't most accurate. The page is a type of portal that is both a publishing source of announcements and releases as well a recollection of outside mentions, contribution opportunities, posts, events etc. Did consider names such as "Portal" "Newsfeed" "News and Feeds", "Newsportal", "Newsboard" "Broadcast" "Comms" and such … so far "News and Posts" seems most accurate and rolls off the tongue.

@linnutee thinking from "subscriber" perspective, we have a ton of possible updates that fall into different categories. Each category should have its URL path and a subscription feed (e.g. RSS). For example, /media, /contribute or the long needed /events.

A special category can aggregate all updates, e.g. "All News", but I'd avoid using or inventing abstractions like "Portal" or "Broadcast" as the are too vague and have a corporate feel.

ta-lind commented 5 years ago

Re: Xaur The naming case applies for the subpage as a whole and not so much around categories. Brought it up as “News” or those other options aren't the most accurate terms to describe this aggregate-type subpage, as this is both a feed and publication.

Good point on the subscribing approach, I guess this would be a development task to get sorted. Not very aware on what's the best practice on these feeds since RSS has been somewhat killed off. Certainly would be a plus to have the structure set so that all content could be pulled to Feedly, Newsblur and any other popular services.

Re: Dustin:

Based on feedback, either simple approach on category and post breakdowns could go:

Categories/Posts A

**Announcements**, containing following post types:
- Announcements (e.g. old dcr blogposts, and ideally replacing the future ones)
- Release Updates
- Service announcements (saved for any rare emergency notices)

**Research and Development**, containing following post types:
- General Research and Writings 
- Dev Posts/Mentions/Research

**Community**, containing following post types:
- Show DCR (e.g.  general posts, noteworthy discussions, mentions, user projects etc)
- Broadcast, streams, videos (e.g. DA, Decred in Depth, Roundtable etc)
- Events and Meetups

**Media**, containing following post types:
- Decred in media (half of the current press page) 
- Press releases, interviews (other half of the current press page) 

**Contributing**, containing following post types:
- Help needed (e.g. norteworthy  gh issues)
- RFPs

Categories/Posts B

**Announcements**, containing following post types:
- Announcements (e.g. old dcr blogposts, and ideally replacing the future ones)
- Release Updates
- Service announcements (saved for any rare emergency notices)

**Research and Development**, containing following post types:
- General Research and Writings 
- Dev Posts/Mentions/Research

**Community**, containing following post types:
- Show DCR (e.g.  general posts, noteworthy discussions, mentions, user projects etc)
- Broadcast, streams, videos (e.g. DA, Decred in Depth, Roundtable etc)

**Events**, containing following post types:
- Community Meetups
- Decred in Conferences

**Media**, containing following post types:
- Decred in media (half of the current press page) 
- Press releases, interviews (other half of the current press page) 

**Contributing**, containing following post types:
- Help needed (e.g. norteworthy  gh issues)
- RFPs
Dustorf commented 5 years ago

I think there's a lot of value making the events obvious, so my preference is B

peterzen commented 5 years ago

In the Events section, it would be awesome to have an iCal feed as well, so that people can subscribe directly in their calendar.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Is there an issue to discuss events in dcrweb specifically? It will require an active maintainer and some nice YAML structure that would allow to build nice filtering features later.

For more general needs I made shared calendar issue.

xaur commented 5 years ago

Thinking about content management now.

It's great to have the data from which the site is built in separate nicely structured and versioned files. Git allows to replicate all collected knowledge to multiple people and keep it in sync.

When all these new pages go live and people start to actively add content, we will see a lot of commit churn around "site content" files (md pages, yaml data, non-layout images), and it will be harder to dig changes for "site code" files (css, js, layouts). Effectively, streams of commits from website programmers and content managers would overlap all the time as it happens today, but in greater scale.

It might be useful to separate "content" files into a separate Git repo or an orphan branch.

peterzen commented 5 years ago

The theme code itself doesn't change that often and in the current Hugo structure the theme is reasonably separated from the content - unless there is a major refactoring going on at the same time with heavy content changes overlaps should be non-existent to minimal.

peterzen commented 4 years ago

I've implemented the sections/content types in Hugo, according to the B) site map above. It's in a separate repo for now as there are some questions/clarifications that the spec doesn't cover need to be iterated. It would also be good to add more initial content whilst the details are worked on in terms of content types/navigation etc.


ta-lind commented 4 years ago

Cool, very nice to see this moving on.

Answering 1st and 2nd bulletpoints.

peterzen commented 4 years ago
  • I would ideally avoid having two level navigation. At least from the initial launch until there's actually need due to the amount of content. This way the structure remains simpler and can be grown more accurately based on need. So if anything the 1st level category structure could become a little bit more elaborate. But that's up to the contributors essentially. Also instead of subcategories, there are icon based tags to help create order inside each category.

I kind of agree that it's not very fortunate to add another nav level - however, it is not a good idea to lump the external links and the press releases together. In the interest of having a clear separation between 'syndicated' content and official communication I think we need to break up the Media page in some way - maybe keep Decred in the media and Press releases on separate top-level pages?

  • Calendar: in the present design it would be posts linked to the event source. Ie., event sites etc. Calendar view would certainly be a nice enhancement.

Agreed. Also, I think a location based view would be valuable, too, for people looking for IRL events.

Unless there's any significant issues with building it, ideally the calendar can be another "viewing mode". Meaning there's an option to switch between the normal post list + calendar view. Reason being as this way it would be a little bit more integrated to the subpage. Lmk and can get this in the pipeline to get the design thought through and created.

Yes please.

Dustorf commented 4 years ago

Thanks, Peter. Agree with both of you on the first points:

  1. keep things as simple as possible, particularly to start
  2. I don't think there is a need to have a calendar view. Simply listing the events in time order should be sufficient. These events include: local meetups, conferences Decred attends, AMAs, livestreams. Community-this is for links to newer content. So, when Decred in Depth podcast of a Decred Assembly episode goes live, we can add a link here. For Research & Dev., @RichardRed0x is working up a website to showcase much of the work, so it probably makes sense to simply list links here.

Aggregating info here will streamline production of the Decred Journal. LMK if I missed anything or if you have further ?'s.

peterzen commented 4 years ago

@linnutee Could you please export the news section icons into SVG files? I can't seem to find the vector icons in the XD file.

ta-lind commented 4 years ago

@peterzen added here: dcrweb - news subpage -

peterzen commented 4 years ago

Thank you @linnutee

Dustorf commented 4 years ago

At this time, I think we can streamline it down to the following:

xaur commented 4 years ago

Will Research host full copies of research reports or have short summaries and link to full version elsewhere?

Dustorf commented 4 years ago

I think it should simply link to the eternal links to keep things simple

peterzen commented 4 years ago

Is going to be maintained seperately, as currently? Or become part of (I think this was discussed before, maybe @behindtext has a preference?)

xaur commented 4 years ago

More and more I like the idea to split textual content into a separate repo that can be "plugged into" the static site repository (with templates, css, js, assets) as a git submodule.

Earlier I noted the overlapping churn of commits as a motivation, but a bigger reason I see now is to allow for quick replication and sync of text content, even over a slow link. dcrweb is almost 200 MB now, mostly due to heavy assets while the text part is <1 MB. Text content is the most interesting to preserve in context of censorship resistance.

Another bonus is that copywriters can clone the tiny text repo and work with it without getting the full 200 MB thing.

Multiple such text repos like "website" and "blog" can be plugged into the site code repo as submodules and rendered with the single codebase of templates, styles and other assets.

jholdstock commented 1 year ago

Copying some ideas from #1079

jholdstock commented 1 year ago

I've reviewed this whole issue and I think we have everything pretty much covered. Closing.