decred / decred-windows-installer

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Before creating a release msi the current_digests file MUST be updated by hand. Each component must have a digest set that contains the required version of said component. The build system will checkout and glide install all dependencies.

Additionally, individual component versions and release type (alpha, beta, rc & release) must be set in the individual compent directory GNUmakefiles. Run something along the lines of: $ for i in paymetheus decred; do vi $i/GNUmakefile; done ... and change the following lines: VERS=0.6.0 VERNAME=$(VERS)-beta

Recap to create release msis:

  1. Update current_digests
  2. Update ALL GNUMakefile versions and type

Creating release msi: $ make ...

Combined msis can now be found in decred directory. $ l decred/*.msi -rw-r--r-- 1 marco None 30904320 Jul 15 10:28 decred/decred_0.6.0-beta_x64.msi -rw-r--r-- 1 marco None 30203904 Jul 15 10:28 decred/decred_0.6.0-beta_x86.msi

If you want to create the latest and greatest of everything you must use the "current" target. Creating current msi example: $ make current ...

Deleting all artifacts: $ make clean ...

The build environment is rather complex and requires a number of things to be installed and several environment variables to be set.

Bash environment variables (note that this example setup is using self built go: ~/go/bin): GOPATH=~/git/go PATH=/c/Program\ Files\ (x86)/MSBuild/14.0/Bin/:$PATH PATH=/c/Program\ Files/Git/bin:$GOPATH/bin:~/go/bin:$PATH

Major dependencies:

Minor dependencies (installed via pacman and not all may be relevant to everyone): bash 4.3.042-4 bash-completion 2.3-1 binutils 2.25.1-2 bsdcpio 3.2.0-1 bsdtar 3.2.0-1 bzip2 1.0.6-2 ca-certificates 20150426-1 catgets 1.1-2 clang-svn 60106.1d5b05f-1 coreutils 8.25-1 crypt 1.3-1 curl 7.49.1-1 dash 0.5.8-1 db 5.3.28-2 expat 2.1.1-1 file 5.25-1 filesystem 2016.05-3 findutils 4.6.0-1 flex 2.6.0-1 gawk 4.1.3-1 gcc 5.3.0-3 gcc-libs 5.3.0-3 gdbm 1.11-3 gettext 0.19.7-3 gmp 6.1.0-2 gnupg 1.4.20-1 grep 2.22-3 gzip 1.7-1 heimdal 1.5.3-9 heimdal-libs 1.5.3-9 icu 56.1-1 inetutils 1.9.2-1 info 6.0-1 isl 0.16.1-1 less 481-1 libarchive 3.2.0-1 libasprintf 0.19.7-3 libassuan 2.4.2-1 libbz2 1.0.6-2 libcatgets 1.1-2 libcrypt 1.3-1 libcurl 7.49.1-1 libdb 5.3.28-2 libedit 3.1-20150325 libevent 2.1.4-1 libexpat 2.1.1-1 libffi 3.2.1-1 libgdbm 1.11-3 libgettextpo 0.19.7-3 libgpg-error 1.21-1 libgpgme 1.6.0-1 libiconv 1.14-2 libidn 1.32-1 libintl 0.19.7-3 liblzma 5.2.2-1 liblzo2 2.09-1 libmetalink 0.1.2-2 libnettle 3.2-1 libopenssl 1.0.2.h-1 libp11-kit 0.23.2-1 libpcre 8.38-1 libpcre16 8.38-1 libpcre32 8.38-1 libpcrecpp 8.38-1 libpcreposix 8.38-1 libreadline 6.3.008-7 libsqlite libssh2 1.7.0-1 libtasn1 4.7-1 libutil-linux 2.26.2-1 libxml2 2.9.2-2 llvm-svn 124592.2aebced-1 lndir 1.0.3-1 m4 1.4.17-4 make 4.2.1-1 mintty 1~2.2.3-1 mpc 1.0.3-1 mpfr 3.1.4-1 msys2-keyring r9.397a52e-1 msys2-launcher-git msys2-runtime 2.5.1-1 msys2-runtime-devel 2.5.1-1 msys2-w32api-headers msys2-w32api-runtime ncurses 6.0.20160220-1 openssh 7.1p2-1 openssl 1.0.2.h-1 p11-kit 0.23.2-1 pacman pacman-mirrors 20160112-1 pactoys-git r1.e58a7ac-1 patch 2.7.5-1 pax-git 20140703.2.1.g469552a-1 pcre 8.38-1 perl 5.22.1-1 perl-Authen-SASL 2.16-2 perl-Convert-BinHex 1.123-2 perl-Encode-Locale 1.04-1 perl-Error 0.17024-1 perl-File-Listing 6.04-2 perl-HTML-Parser 3.71-3 perl-HTML-Tagset 3.20-2 perl-HTTP-Cookies 6.01-2 perl-HTTP-Daemon 6.01-2 perl-HTTP-Date 6.02-2 perl-HTTP-Message 6.06-2 perl-HTTP-Negotiate 6.01-2 perl-IO-Socket-SSL 2.016-1 perl-IO-stringy 2.111-1 perl-LWP-MediaTypes 6.02-2 perl-MIME-tools 5.506-1 perl-MailTools 2.14-1 perl-Net-HTTP 6.09-1 perl-Net-SMTP-SSL 1.02-1 perl-Net-SSLeay 1.72-1 perl-TermReadKey 2.33-1 perl-TimeDate 2.30-2 perl-URI 1.68-1 perl-WWW-RobotRules 6.02-2 perl-libwww 6.13-1 pkgfile 15-1 rebase 4.4.2-1 sed 4.2.2-2 tar 1.29-1 tftp-hpa 5.2-1 time 1.7-1 tmux-git 2.1.263.g5083e93-1 tzcode 2015.e-1 unzip 6.0-2 util-linux 2.26.2-1 vim 7.4.1721-1 wget 1.17.1-3 which 2.21-2 windows-default-manifest 6.4-1 xz 5.2.2-1 zlib 1.2.8-3