The core code is in waifuc.source.web.ParallelWebDataSource.
It is based on SerializableParallelModule, NonSerializableParallelModule, Stopped in waifuc.utils (the unittests for them have passed).
The ParallelWebDataSource have the same api to WebDataSource, you can simply replace the base class of the data source classes to ParallelWebDataSource and add some more __init__ arguments.
Here is an example of it
import os.path
import re
from typing import Optional, Iterator, List, Tuple, Union
from ditk import logging
from hbutils.system import urlsplit
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from waifuc.config.meta import __TITLE__, __VERSION__
from waifuc.export import SaveExporter
from waifuc.source.web import NoURL, ParallelWebDataSource
from waifuc.utils import get_requests_session, srequest
class DanbooruLikeSource(ParallelWebDataSource):
# just the same as the original DanbooruSource
def __init__(self, tags: List[str], min_size: Optional[int] = 800, download_silent: bool = True,
username: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None,
site_name: Optional[str] = 'danbooru', site_url: Optional[str] = '',
group_name: Optional[str] = None, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, serializable: bool = True):
ParallelWebDataSource.__init__(self, group_name or site_name, None, download_silent, max_workers, serializable)
self.session = get_requests_session(headers={
"User-Agent": f"{__TITLE__}/{__VERSION__}",
'Content-Type': 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
self.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(username, api_key) if username and api_key else None
self.site_name, self.site_url = site_name, site_url
self.tags = tags
self.min_size = min_size
def _get_data_from_raw(self, raw):
return raw
def _select_url(self, data):
if self.min_size is not None and "media_asset" in data and "variants" in data["media_asset"]:
variants = data["media_asset"]["variants"]
width, height, url = None, None, None
for item in variants:
if 'width' in item and 'height' in item and \
item['width'] >= self.min_size and item['height'] >= self.min_size:
if url is None or item['width'] < width:
width, height, url = item['width'], item['height'], item['url']
if url is not None:
return url
if 'file_url' not in data:
raise NoURL
return data['file_url']
def _get_tags(self, data):
return re.split(r'\s+', data["tag_string"])
def _iter_data(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Union[str, int], str, dict]]:
page = 1
while True:
resp = srequest(self.session, 'GET', f'{self.site_url}/posts.json', params={
"format": "json",
"limit": "100",
"page": str(page),
"tags": ' '.join(self.tags),
}, auth=self.auth)
page_items = self._get_data_from_raw(resp.json())
if not page_items:
for data in page_items:
url = self._select_url(data)
except NoURL:
_, ext_name = os.path.splitext(urlsplit(url).filename)
filename = f'{self.group_name}_{data["id"]}{ext_name}'
meta = {
self.site_name: data,
'group_id': f'{self.group_name}_{data["id"]}',
'filename': filename,
'tags': {key: 1.0 for key in self._get_tags(data)}
yield data['id'], url, meta
page += 1
class DanbooruSource(DanbooruLikeSource):
def __init__(self, tags: List[str],
min_size: Optional[int] = 800, download_silent: bool = True,
username: Optional[str] = None, api_key: Optional[str] = None,
group_name: Optional[str] = None, max_workers: Optional[int] = None, serializable: bool = True):
DanbooruLikeSource.__init__(self, tags, min_size, download_silent, username, api_key,
'danbooru', '', group_name, max_workers, serializable)
if __name__ == '__main__':
s = DanbooruSource(
serializable=False, # the items will be in order when True
download_silent=False, # hide the download progress bar when True
s[:100].export(SaveExporter('test_zerochan_imgs', no_meta=True)) # download the first 100 images
s.cleanup() # TODO: we don't want this line is possible
The core code is in
.It is based on
SerializableParallelModule, NonSerializableParallelModule, Stopped
(the unittests for them have passed).The
have the same api toWebDataSource
, you can simply replace the base class of the data source classes toParallelWebDataSource
and add some more__init__
arguments.Here is an example of it