This absolutely fun workaround is needed because all actions (like aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2) that rely on Node have been forced by Github to use Node 20, but the way Node is used by external actions is by dynamically linking against libc. On AL2, the glibc is not compatible with Node 20 so everything breaks!
The solution is to just authenticate ourselves, which is a bit of a process with oidc + aws
…mpatible os
This absolutely fun workaround is needed because all actions (like aws-actions/configure-aws-credentials@v2) that rely on Node have been forced by Github to use Node 20, but the way Node is used by external actions is by dynamically linking against libc. On AL2, the glibc is not compatible with Node 20 so everything breaks!
The solution is to just authenticate ourselves, which is a bit of a process with oidc + aws