deferred-impact / battledudes-issue-tracker

Because discord just isn't good enough. Neither is, ironically
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(migrated) The Clan System #14

Open deferred-impact opened 2 years ago

deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

Yours Truly said:

This is actually a pretty large suggestion due to the detail it takes to actually work

1) The clan creation and management(data wise) and make clan stats public(the obvious part)

2) Each clan has a fort(on an island) which can be fortified by items purchasable with coins or gems(items like white barricade or metal wall piece or wooden wall piece or cars or tanks, etc) Yes players can pitch in together to buy things.. so that's why buying extra land, small bodies of water, cars, atvs and tanks would cost diamonds only(and a lot like 1000 gems per tank)

3) Every member in a clan has their coin balance gain interest(per day because 15 year olds aren't that patient) That interest increases slightly when more money is put into building the fortress(for some "dev needs coffee" reasons, players don't get gems from this)

4) YES, YOU GUESSED IT: WARS Well really wars and mock wars(the difference being losing a war makes the members lose 50% of their coins while mock wars make the members lose nothing)

War Logistics:

Firstly, the goal in a war is to destroy the opponent's command center(it's metal, about the size of a jeep and takes 10 rockets worth of damage to destroy, will begin regenerating 1 rockets worth of health every 5 seconds if left undamaged for 20 seconds).

Secondly, vehicles DO NOT regenerate after being destroyed(until that war session is over) Needless to say, all the other barricades don't respawn either.. however yes players respawn as many times until one side achieves the above goal

Finally, when a war starts, the distance between opposing fortresses is the distance between top island and bottom island in ISLANDS except the distance will be filled by ice(measuring distance via closest edges of each island). The ANGLES of the island fortresses to each other however are random in each war(you can barricade your north and then have a war when the enemy is south east of you)

deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

Yours Truly said:

The distance between fortresses in a clan war


deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

I mean, there are tons of complaints to state about this idea, but the following 3 are the most relevant:

deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

Yours Truly said:

The Clan System


This is actually a pretty large suggestion due to the detail it takes to actually work(months at least, Season 10 Goal at least)

1) The clan creation and management(data wise) and make clan stats public(the obvious part) Clans can choose to be private(you're only let in a clan if a member of its executive accepted your application) or public(anyone that clicks "Join" gets in)

2) Each clan has a fort(on an island) which can be fortified by items purchasable with coins or gems(items like white barricade or metal wall piece or wooden wall piece or cars or tanks, etc) Yes players can pitch in together to buy things.. so that's why buying extra land, small bodies of water, cars, atvs and tanks would cost diamonds only(and a lot like 1000 gems per tank)

3) Every member in a clan has their coin balance gain interest(per day because 15 year olds aren't that patient) That interest increases slightly when more money is put into building the fortress(for some "dev needs coffee" reasons, players don't get gems from this)

4) YES, YOU GUESSED IT: WARS Well really WARS and MOCK WARS(the difference being losing a war makes the members lose 50% of their coins while mock wars make the members lose nothing)

War Logistics:

Firstly, the goal in a war is to destroy the opponent's command center(it's metal, about the size of a jeep and takes 10 rockets worth of damage to destroy, will begin regenerating 1 rockets worth of health every 5 seconds if left undamaged for 20 seconds).

Secondly, vehicles DO NOT regenerate after being destroyed(until that war session is over) Needless to say, all the other barricades don't respawn either.. however yes players respawn as many times until one side achieves the above goal

Finally, when a war starts, the distance between opposing fortresses is the distance between top island and bottom island in ISLANDS except the distance will be filled by ice(measuring distance via closest edges of each island). The ANGLES of the island fortresses to each other however are random in each war(you can barricade your north and then have a war when the enemy is south east of you)

Clan Hierarchy

Highest Rank to Lowest Rank: 1xCommanding General, 2xGeneral, 5xLieutenant, 200xMember DO NOTE: A Commanding General CANNOT leave their clan without transferring their Commanding General role to another(all other roles can leave) ALSO NOTE: Executive Powers don't work on anyone with equal or higher rank than themselves LASTLY NOTE: WARS or MOCK WARS only occur when one clan requests AND the other clan accepts(so no, u don't gotta have a night shift securing your fortress)

Commanding General

The leader and owner/founder of a clan. Only one can exist per clan This user can: Accept clan requests(if they're a private clan), set if their clan is public or private, kick someone else, ban someone else promote someone else to Lieutenant, request or accept WARS and MOCK WARS, promote someone else to General, transfer Commanding General role to someone else, DELETE THE CLAN In a clan war, they take the commanding 10% of the victory spoils in addition to the Equal Share from the all members 70% of the spoils AND the remainders of the executive 20% that is left from the empty spaces in the executive roles(2 Generals, 5 Lieutenants)


The top Executive Rank in a clan. A maximum of 2 can exist per clan This user can: Accept clan requests(if they're a private clan), set if their clan is public or private, kick someone else, ban someone else promote someone else to Lieutenant, request or accept WARS and MOCK WARS In a clan war, they take 5% from the executive 20% of the victory spoils in addition to the Equal Share from the all members 70% of the spoils


The last Executive Rank in a clan. A maximum of 5 can exist per clan This user can: Accept clan requests(if they're a private clan), kick someone else, ban someone else In a clan war, they take 2% from the executive 20% of the victory spoils in addition to the Equal Share from the all members 70% of the spoils


This is just an accepted user who's NOT any of the above _Executive Rank_s above :D

deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

Yours Truly said:

ah, after typing all of this I see your below message 💀 and I know it will take a long time but it'd be worth it, plus a clan war only happens when 2 clans decide to go to war

deferred-impact commented 2 years ago

Ultimately it boils down to this:

All we are missing for proper clan wars are custom 10v10 lobbies. Everything else can be done externally, through discord, easier, better, more conveniently, and without making Sarunas develop a huge system for several weeks.

Your5Truly commented 2 years ago

The Clan System(MASSIVE TLDR)

This is actually a pretty large suggestion due to the detail it takes to actually work(months at least, Season 10 Goal at least)

1) The clan creation and management(data wise) and make clan stats public(the obvious part) Clans can choose to be private(you're only let in a clan if a member of its executive accepted your application) or public(anyone that clicks "Join" gets in)

2) Each clan has a fort(on an island) which can be fortified by buying barricades and vehicles using a fixed war budget that is specific and different in value for each war The possible items that can be bought with the fixed war budget are:

3) Every member in a clan has their coin balance gain interest(per day because 15 year olds aren't that patient) That interest increases slightly when more people are in a clan(incentive to join one)

4) YES, YOU GUESSED IT: WARS Well really WARS and MOCK WARS(the difference being losing a war makes the members lose 50% of their coins while mock wars make the members lose nothing)

War Logistics:

Clan Hierarchy

Commanding General




Hippo856 commented 2 years ago

n o