deis / jenkins-jobs

DSL representations of Jenkins jobs for Deis
MIT License
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ci deis-workflow jenkins unsupported
Deis Workflow is no longer maintained.
Please read the announcement for more detail.
09/07/2017 Deis Workflow v2.18 final release before entering maintenance mode
03/01/2018 End of Workflow maintenance: critical patches no longer merged
Hephy is a fork of Workflow that is actively developed and accepts code contributions.

Deis Workflow Jenkins Jobs

Deis (pronounced DAY-iss) Workflow is an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that adds a developer-friendly layer to any Kubernetes cluster, making it easy to deploy and manage applications on your own servers.

For more information about the Deis Workflow, please visit the main project page at


This repository serves as a central location for Deis Workflow Jenkins jobs represented in Jenkins Job DSL.


The definitive wiki resource describing all available Jenkins Job DSL API items can be found in the Jenkins Job DSL Plugin API. See also the following helpful overview of the Job DSL Plugin for those new to this project.

All jobs are written in Groovy which runs on the Java platform hosted on Jenkins.

Directory Structure

The DSL representation of a given job is currently placed in the jobs directory. As much as possible, the actual shell logic that gets executed during a job's runtime is placed in the bash/scripts directory. Correlating Bats tests for these scripts are located in bash/tests.

Working with Groovy

For debugging general Groovy code, one may run make groovy-console provided one has a Java JDK or JRE installed (version 7 or higher; see Gradle Prerequisites).

Alternatively, one may use the handy-dandy Groovy Web Console.


There are containerized and non-containerized targets for all test-related make tasks.


For testing bash script changes/additions, one may run make (docker-)test-style to run the shellcheck static analysis tool against script syntax and make (docker-)test-scripts to run the suite of bats tests located in bash/tests. (Note: if running the non-containerized target(s), bats and shellcheck are prerequisites)


For testing that the jobs' DSL/Groovy logic parses correctly, one may run make (docker-)test-dsl. (There is also a docker-test-dsl-quick target that starts the stopped gradle-test container if it exists, capitalizing on cached dependencies.) (Note: if running the non-containerized target(s), the Gradle Prerequisites are needed)

Regardless of target, test results may be viewed in a web browser after they finish via make open-test-results.

How it works: Each job is processed against the versions of Jenkins and the Job DSL Plugin as defined in, as well as the versions of necessary plugins required by the job(s), as declared in the dependencies block of build.gradle.

Therefore, if all jobs parse without failures, one can be reasonably confident they will build successfully on the live Jenkins instance, provided the aforementioned dependency versions are aligned.

This Gradle-based test harness was set up using a slimmed-down/modified version of the Jenkins Job DSL Gradle Example.

Upgrading Jenkins plugins

Since a test harness exists for checking that the job DSL compiles, one can also check that an upgraded/added plugin plays nicely with existing/new jobs.

To do so, one would update/add the appropriate plugin in build.gradle and then run make (docker-)test-dsl to make sure compilation is unaffected. This is meeant to provide a higher level confidence before actually upgrading/adding plugin(s) on the live Jenkins instance.


As a standard practice, the initial job will describe the pipeline, in the form of downstreamParameterized steps that follow the main steps of the job itself. See the Workflow component job as an example. Most of the downstream jobs are then set up to only execute their specific job logic, and not add further downstream dependencies that might be different from what the initial job specifies.

(The pipelines below can also be found in their original .monopic format if needing to change/update.)

Component PR/Master Pipeline

                                          Component Pipeline start
                                                (PR, master)

                                        ┌───────────────────────────┐                                         ┌─────────────────────────────────┐
                                        │                           │                                         │     Commit type: REPO_TYPE      │
                                        │                           │ - check out source code                 │                                 │██
                                        │    component Docker image │ - build and push Docker                 │        PR commit: 'pr',         │██
               ┌─────────────────────   │       build/deploy job    │          image          ─────┐          │     Merge to master: 'dev'      │██
               │                        │                           │ - on success, initiate       │          │ Official release: 'production'  │██
               │                        │                           │     downstream job           │          │                                 │██
               │                        │                           │                              │          │ Staging for release: 'staging'  │██
               ▼                        └───────────────────────────┘                              │          │         (only Workflow)         │██
                                                                                                   ▼          └─────────────────────────────────┘██
       if change to chart                                                                                       ███████████████████████████████████
    ('charts' subdirectory)                                                         if NO change in to chart

   ┌───────────────────────────┐                                                  ┌───────────────────────────┐
   │                           │                                                  │                           │   - set GitHub status to 'Pending'
   │                           │                                                  │                           │                (if PR)
   │     component chart       │  - package chart from specified                  │                           │  - run end-to-end tests against test
   │         publish           │              commit                              │     workflow chart e2e    │            image supplied
   │                           │ - publish to specified chart repo                │                           │   - report result to Slack (as well
   │                           │                                                  │                           │           as GitHub if PR)
   │                           │                                                  │                           │
   └───────────────────────────┘                                                  └───────────────────────────┘
               │                                                                                │
               │                                                                                │
               ▼                                                                                ▼
   ┌───────────────────────────┐                                                  ┌───────────────────────────┐
   │                           │                                                  │                           │
   │                           │      - package workflow chart                    │                           │          (if Master merge)
   │     workflow chart        │ (injecting specific component chart              │                           │ - pull image from dev repo/registry
   │         publish           │        version if supplied)                      │     component promote     │ - push/promote image to production
   │                           │  - publish to specified chart repo               │                           │            repo/registry
   │                           │                                                  │                           │
   │                           │                                                  │                           │
   └───────────────────────────┘                                                  └───────────────────────────┘
   │                           │  - install workflow and workflow-e2e
   │                           │  charts via helper tools (e2e-runner,
   │                           │  k8s-claimer)
   │    workflow chart e2e     │  - (can set chart values for both
   │                           │  depending on env vars)
   │                           │  - report result to Slack (as well as
   │                           │  GitHub if PR)

Component Release Pipeline

   Component Release Pipeline

  │                           │
  │                           │ - triggered by `v1.2.3` git tag
  │                           │             webhook
  │     component-release     │
  │                           │ - locate release candidate image
  │                           │     associated with git tag
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │  - retag candidate image with
  │ release candidate promote │   official release (v1.2.3)
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │    component release      │  - publish release data to
  │         publish           │    workflow-manager-api
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │ - publish signed and packaged chart
  │     component chart       │           to 'production'
  │         publish           │
  │                           │   - publish packaged chart 'dev'
  │                           │             chart repos
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │    - verifies signature of chart in
  │  component chart verify   │        'production' chart repo
  │                           │
  │                           │
  │                           │

When Workflow-CLI is tagged

    Workflow CLI Release

│                           │
│                           │
│                           │ - triggered by `v1.2.3` git tag
│    workflow-cli-release   │             webhook
│                           │
│                           │
│                           │
│                           │ - check out git tag of source
│                           │              code
│                           │ - build cross-compiled default
│  workflow-cli-build-tag   │  (linux, darwin and windows;
│                           │      amd64, 386) binaries
│                           │       - upload binaries
│                           │
│                           │
│                           │ - check out git tag of source
│   workflow-cli-build-     │             code
│           tag             │   - build amd64 binary with
│      darwin-amd64         │  CGO_ENABLED=1 on OSX slave
│                           │ - upload darwin amd64 binary
│                           │

 Note: There are also "workflow-cli-build-stable(-darwin-amd64)"
 variants of the two downstream jobs above, but these are currently
 only triggered manually.

When a Workflow Helm Chart is to be released

   Workflow Chart Release
                                - triggered manually with supplied release
┌───────────────────────────┐                      tag
│                           │
│                           │    - update chart dependencies by gathering
│                           │    latest releases for all component charts
│   workflow-chart-stage    │
│                           │  - upload signed and packaged candidate chart
│                           │     (sans index file) to 'production' repo
│                           │
└───────────────────────────┘    - upload packaged candidate chart (with
             │                     index file) to 'staging' charts repo
│                           │   - lease GKE cluster, install Workflow chart
│                           │     (version handed down from upstream) from
│                           │                  'staging' repo
│    workflow-chart-e2e     │
│                           │           - install workflow-e2e chart
│                           │
│                           │   - archive test results and report job status
└───────────────────────────┘            to appropriate channel(s)
│                           │  - triggered manually with supplied release
│                           │                     tag
│                           │
│  workflow-chart-release   │   - pull down approved, signed chart from
│                           │           'production' chart repo
│                           │
│                           │ - update index file, upload to 'production'
└───────────────────────────┘      charts repo, making it officially
             │                           fetchable/installable
│                           │
│                           │ - verifies signature of chart from 'production'
│                           │                      repo
│    helm-chart-verify      │
│                           │      - (job succeeds if command succeeds)
│                           │
│                           │