dekiller82 / Spotify-Playlist-Downloader-GUI

Windows GUI that starts a specific javascript with a generated launch string
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Stops after certain number of songs. #1

Open mindspies opened 8 years ago

mindspies commented 8 years ago

With large playlist, the download stops after x number of songs. If I restart the same playlist again, it still stops at the same song. Does this also with a premium account. For one playlist it could stop at song 132, the other 185, and another 1250...

Any advice?

dekiller82 commented 8 years ago

I've heard this problem before and I'm not sure what it is because I have no idea how the script works that downloads the files. All I did was was make a gui that launches the original command line tool. I suggest opening that issue with the tool i forked the tool from.

jackrsantana commented 8 years ago

I'm having the following problem:


  Usage: main [options]


    -h, --help output usage information     -V, --version Output the version number     -u, --username [username] Spotify Playlist Username (required)     -p, --playlist [playlist] Spotify Playlist (required)     -d, --directory [directory] Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C: \ Users \ Jackson / Music     -f, --folder create folder for playlist     -g, --generate generate files for playlist


  Usage: main [options]


    -h, --help output usage information     -V, --version Output the version number     -u, --username [username] Spotify Playlist Username (required)     -p, --playlist [playlist] Spotify Playlist (required)     -d, --directory [directory] Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C: \ Users \ Jackson / Music     -f, --folder create folder for playlist     -g, --generate generate files for playlist


  Usage: main [options]


    -h, --help output usage information     -V, --version Output the version number     -u, --username [username] Spotify Playlist Username (required)     -p, --playlist [playlist] Spotify Playlist (required)     -d, --directory [directory] Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C: \ Users \ Jackson / Music     -f, --folder create folder for playlist     -g, --generate generate files for playlist

dekiller82 commented 8 years ago

Does your Link match the format of the example link?

jackrsantana commented 8 years ago

Yes. :/


captura de tela 3

dekiller82 commented 8 years ago

Damn it.

i know what it is.

It's because your usernames contains a "." In the name. I fucked up. Forgot that some users might have a "." in their name. Already had the same problem with "_" but i fixed that. As for now i can't push a new fix out quickly as I am reworking the UI Entirely and making it all pretty and shit. For now the only way to use this would be to make a new account without a "." or other special character (Yes i know fucking annoying but it's the only way now). And clone your Playlists to that account.

lucasscaratti commented 8 years ago

When I try to download something it gives me: "Downloader App Started.. Error logging in... (Error: invalidcredentials)" I'm writing the exactly username and password, and the username doesn't have "." or ""

dekiller82 commented 8 years ago
  1. You must hit save login button before downloading.
  2. This tool does not work for Facebook accounts.
  3. Check the main.js and see if your creds are correct.
dekiller82 commented 8 years ago

Hey Jack. New version is up :)

dekiller82 commented 8 years ago

So you're doing a bug report on a tool i did not made. You have to do that over at the dude i forked it from.

msnbrxd commented 8 years ago


Usage: main [options]


-h, --help                   output usage information
-V, --version                output the version number
-u, --username [username]    Spotify Playlist Username (required)
-p, --playlist [playlist]    Spotify Playlist (required)
-d, --directory [directory]  Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C:\Users\Salim/Music
-f, --folder                 create folder for playlist
-g, --generate               generate file for playlist


Usage: main [options]


-h, --help                   output usage information
-V, --version                output the version number
-u, --username [username]    Spotify Playlist Username (required)
-p, --playlist [playlist]    Spotify Playlist (required)
-d, --directory [directory]  Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C:\Users\Salim/Music
-f, --folder                 create folder for playlist
-g, --generate               generate file for playlist


Usage: main [options]


-h, --help                   output usage information
-V, --version                output the version number
-u, --username [username]    Spotify Playlist Username (required)
-p, --playlist [playlist]    Spotify Playlist (required)
-d, --directory [directory]  Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C:\Users\Salim/Music
-f, --folder                 create folder for playlist
-g, --generate               generate file for playlist


Usage: main [options]


-h, --help                   output usage information
-V, --version                output the version number
-u, --username [username]    Spotify Playlist Username (required)
-p, --playlist [playlist]    Spotify Playlist (required)
-d, --directory [directory]  Directory you want to save the mp3s to, default: C:\Users\Salim/Music
-f, --folder                 create folder for playlist
-g, --generate               generate file for playlist
msnbrxd commented 8 years ago

P.S: My username and pw are correct in main.js

gspatzenegger commented 8 years ago

I had the same issue - it's because the playlist url has changed from to - you can change the url manually in the input field or correct the coding of the playlist - downloader.

Makoycr commented 8 years ago

Please help me! I had the same issue! (!!! MUST SPECIFY USERNAME & PLAYLIST !!!). I did what gspatzenegger mentioned and the issue was solved. However, I have this issue now. image Do you know how can I get this issue solved. Thank you in advance for your attention and your help!! :)

ghost commented 8 years ago

Please read other threads. The issue has been detected and will be solved soon. Be patient.

Makoycr commented 8 years ago

Thank you very much for the quick response, javirg! Have an amazing week. Saludos. :D

KamilaRodriguesGuedes commented 6 years ago

Hey! I'm trying to download my playlist, but the Downloader is still like this for almost an hour... Can anyone help me?! The link used is
