delta-io / delta

An open-source storage framework that enables building a Lakehouse architecture with compute engines including Spark, PrestoDB, Flink, Trino, and Hive and APIs
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Not null invariant incorrectly fails on non-nullable field inside a nullable struct #860

Open Kimahriman opened 2 years ago

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

An existing test actually tests for what I think is incorrect behavior:

 testQuietly("reject non-nullable nested column") {
    val schema = new StructType()
      .add("top", new StructType()
        .add("key", StringType, nullable = false)
        .add("value", IntegerType))
      spark.createDataFrame(Seq(Row(Row("a", 1)), Row(Row(null, 2))).asJava, schema.asNullable),
      spark.createDataFrame(Seq(Row(Row("a", 1)), Row(null)).asJava, schema.asNullable),

Here the top struct is nullable but the key field is not, and the current invariant checks only care about the fact that key is non-nullable therefore selecting that value (through a series of GetStructField's), will always not be null. However, it is valid for top to be null, and it's more accurate to say that key is never null when top is not null I think.

So in this test case, the first one is a valid test case. top is not null but key is. However, in the second test case, top is null, which should be valid behavior and not throw an exception I believe.

After looking through the code I can see a few ways to make it basically skip checking key in this case, but it might be more ideal but more complicated to have it check top first, and only if that's not null, then check key and fail only in that case.

scottsand-db commented 2 years ago

Hi @Kimahriman, thanks for bringing this to our attention. We will look into this.

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

@brkyvz do you remember why we picked up this behavior?

brkyvz commented 2 years ago

I believe this is the behavior that most databases follow. The idea was that if is not null, then foo should always be not null. If you want the case that foo can be null, but whenever foo is not null, then bar should also be not null, then you should be using a check constraint such as:

foo is null or is not null
Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

Spark seems to allow for that behavior of foo being nullable but not

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

Spark seems to allow for that behavior of foo being nullable but not

@Kimahriman This is done by Delta. I think the current behavior makes sense in the SQL world. Even if is not nullable, it can still be null if we allow foo to be nullable. For example, if foo is null, SELECT will return null even if is not nullable. The current behavior will ensure you never see null returned by

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

Yeah I'm just saying this is valid Spark behavior, so you can hit an exception for valid Spark code. Simplest reproduction:

import pyspark.sql.functions as F
from delta.tables import DeltaTable
test = spark.range(1).withColumn('nested', F.when(F.col('id') < 5, F.struct('id')))

|-- id: long (nullable = false)
|-- nested: struct (nullable = true)
|    |-- id: long(nullable = false)

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

And Spark correctly updates the nullability when it needs to:'nested.*').printSchema()

|-- id: long (nullable = true)
zsxwing commented 2 years ago

@Kimahriman Sorry. I missed your latest update. Thanks for the example. Yep, Spark will update the nullability automatically. However, for Delta, if users set a not-null constraint, they likely will expect they should never see a null value when writing the code (such as write a UDF to handle a nested column value). Hence, we would like to keep the existing behavior.

I'm going to close this as this is the intended behavior. Feel free to reopen this if you have more feedback 😄

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

if users set a not-null constraint, they likely will expect they should never see a null value when writing the code

That's the main issue, not-null constraints are automatically applied with no way to disable them. I have been slowly playing around with ways update the not-null constraint checking to operate in-line with how Spark works, haven't made too much progress on it though. At the very least it should be an opt-in thing to get around this. I still consider it a bug 😅

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

Hah, triggered a pipeline failure by commenting on a closed issue I guess

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

We prefer to avoid creating non standard behaviors. Could you clarify what use cases that may require this non standard behavior?

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

I would argue that the current behavior is non-standard and this ticket is to make it (spark) standard 😛

Basically what actually triggers this for us is a Scala UDF that takes a nullable string and returns struct. One of the fields in the struct is non-nullable, because it always has a value iff the string input is not null. The end result in Spark is a nullable struct with a non-nullable struct field

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

it always has a value iff the string input is not null

Can you set the nested field nullable and add a check constraint such as nested is null or is not null to the table instead?

Kimahriman commented 2 years ago

Yeah there are workarounds, just less than ideal. You lose the 0.01% speedup you would get by avoiding null-checks on the field hah. I'm less concerned about enforcing the right not-null checks and just being able to opt-in to skip the check all together because I know the nullability is correct

zsxwing commented 2 years ago

Adding a new behavior even if it's opt-in would also add extra work when we expend the not null constraint behaviors to other engines. And I feel it's not worth right now.

I will keep this open to hear more voice.

megri commented 1 year ago

I was bitten by this today. I'm using Scala and have this model

case class MyRow(id: Int, value: String)

case class Changes(before: Option[MyRow], after: MyRow)

modelling changes between MyRows of the same id. I expected this to work but get NOT NULL constraint violated for column:

I can work around it but it feels like incorrect behaviour.

Kimahriman commented 1 year ago

Do we know how other engines like Presto/Trino handle nullability of structs? Because Delta essentially doesn't support struct nullability. One option would be when creating a table or new field in the schema to force everything under a nullable struct to be nullable as well. This seems like the behavior Delta expects.

zsxwing commented 1 year ago

Yep. It would be great if anyone familiar with Presto/Trino can provide the feedback.