A responsive customizable booking calendar with overbooking protection.
Example #1 - Сalendar component
Example #2 - ScrollableСalendar component
Example #3 - EventsCalendar component. An example of how easily you can customize a calendar using components and classnames props with tailwindcss
Install with npm
npm i @demark-pro/react-booking-calendar --save
Below is a simple example of how to use the Calendar in a React view. You will also need to require the CSS file from this package (or provide your own). The example below shows how to include the CSS from this package if your build system supports requiring CSS files (Webpack is one that does).
import React, { useState } from "react";
import { Calendar } from "@demark-pro/react-booking-calendar";
import "@demark-pro/react-booking-calendar/dist/react-booking-calendar.css";
// CSS Modules, react-booking-calendar-cssmodules.css
// import '@demark-pro/react-booking-calendar/dist/react-booking-calendar-cssmodules.css';
const oneDay = 86400000;
const today = new Date().getTime() + oneDay;
const reserved = Array.from({ length: 3 }, (_, i) => {
const daysCount = Math.floor(Math.random() * (7 - 4) + 3);
const startDate = new Date(today + oneDay * 8 * i);
return {
endDate: new Date(startDate.getTime() + oneDay * daysCount),
const BookingCalendar = () => {
const [selectedDates, setSelectedDates] = useState([]);
return (
ClassNames takes an object with keys to represent the various inner components that react-select is made up of. Each inner component takes a callback function with the following signature:
DayContent: "text-orange-600",
Calendar allows you to augment layout and functionality by replacing the default components with your own, using the components property. These components are given all the current props and state
import { DaySelectionProps } from "@demark-pro/react-booking-calendar";
import "@demark-pro/react-booking-calendar/dist/react-booking-calendar.css";
const DaySelection = ({ innerProps, state }: DaySelectionProps) => {
if (state.isReserved) return null;
return <div {...innerProps} />;
DaySelection: DaySelection,
For more information about the props that you can pass to the component, see the documentation here.