demerzel3 / RaphaelWrapper

Sproutcore framework that wraps Raphaël graphics library to be used in Sproutcore applications.
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RaphaelWrapper is a Sproutcore framework that gives access to the Raphaël javascript graphic library through a Sproutcore-friendly view.


Note: requires the 1.5 version of Sproutcore.

You need to copy or clone this project into the frameworks directory of your project. Assuming your project is a git repository, a best practice is to set up the framework a git submodule, as follows:

  1. Make the frameworks directory in the root of your project, if it doesn't already exist: mkdir your_project/frameworks
  2. Add RaphaelWrapper as a git submodule: cd your_project; git submodule add git:// frameworks/raphael_wrapper

Alternatively, you can just checkout the repository into your frameworks directory as follows:

  1. Move to your frameworks directory: cd your_project/frameworks
  2. Checkout the repository like this: git checkout git:// raphael_wrapper

Important: don't forget to add raphael_wrapper to the frameworks required by your project in your Buildfile.


RaphaelWrapper showcase screenshot Click here to see the live demo


Please refer to the source code of the showcase.

About The Author

My name is Gabriele Genta, you can find more information and contacts on this page.