denverpost / sports

Development requests for the Denver Post sports department.
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Build team pages, with stats about our local sports teams #13

Open freejoe76 opened 8 years ago

freejoe76 commented 8 years ago

But What Can We Do That Hasn't Already Been Done A Bajillion Times Before

freejoe76 commented 8 years ago

@danielboniface what data do you want on these pages? Also, will this go on our existing team pages, ala ?

danielboniface commented 8 years ago

@freejoe76 for team pages, I was envisioning something similar to the SportsDirect stats pages, but that look a lot better and is organized better:

It would also include other standard knowledge type things: Home venue, Team Owner, Team President, GM, Head Coach... the types of things you'd find in the Google Knowledge Graph to help with search.

freejoe76 commented 8 years ago

Great -- I'm thinking something that lives at -- can you write up the static content you want on that page, and then can you make a list of the dynamic content you want?

danielboniface commented 8 years ago

Sure, adding it to the list

freejoe76 commented 8 years ago

Can you post that list here?

freejoe76 commented 8 years ago

Bumping this discussion up -- now that we're on WordPress soon, we will have category pages for all the news about a team and the sport they play. There's still room for more background information on the Team Page.

To start on this it would be good to have a list of the information we want on such a page -- think you could put together that list and post it here, @danielboniface? Thanks dude.