department-of-veterans-affairs / diffusion-marketplace

Diffusion Marketplace source code
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Diffusion Marketplace


Environment url
development http://localhost:3200
vaec development
vaec staging
vaec production

Custom Rails Tasks:

Task command description
rails dm:db_setup Set up database. Runs rails db:create rails db:migrate rails db:seed
rails dm:full_import Set up data using the full flow of the importer
rails dm:reset_up Re-sets up database and imports all data from the full flow of the importer
rails importer:import_answers import an xlsx and create practices
rails surveymonkey:download_response_files (DEPRECATED) Rake task to download files from our SurveyMonkey practice submission form. Do not use this anymore. Ever.
rails visns:create_visns_and_transfer_data Creates new VISN records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
rails va_facilities:create_or_update_va_facilities Creates or updates VA facility records based on the data from the "va_facilities.json" file
rails diffusion_history:all Imports all of the diffusion history we have so far for practices - used to populate the geolocation feature (Practice <-> Facility mappings)
rails milestones:milestones_transfer Transfers all of the original timeline entry milestones to the new milestone model
rails inet_partner_practices:assign_inet_partner Assigns the iNET practice partner to practices that have iNET as a partner
rails practice_origin_facilities:move_practice_initiating_facility Moves practice initiating facilities to the practice_origin_facilities table
rails port_milestones_to_timelines:port_milestones_to_timelines Ports data from Milestone table description field to Timelines.milestone field.
rails documentation:port_additional_documents_to_practice_resources Ports additional documents to practice_resources
rails documentation:port_publications_to_practice_resources Ports publications (links) to practice_resources
rails risk_and_mitigation:remove_unpaired_risks_and_mitigation Removes risks without a corresponding mitigation AND removes mitigations without a corresponding risk.
rails practice_editors:add_practice_owners_to_practice_editors Adds each practice owner to the practice editors list of their corresponding practice
rails va_facilities:fix_data_va_facilities updates bad data in the va_facilities table (complexity field: 'fy17_parent_station_complexity_level')
rails practice_partners:apply_is_major_flag_to_partners Creates/updates certain flagship practice partners and applies the 'is_major' flag to them
rails practice_partners:add_new_practice_partners Adds new practice partners to the DB based on a spreadsheet provided in March 2022

Ruby version

System dependencies


Check out database.yml to change the username/password for the database user. Be sure to create that user/role in the local postgres instance

Development Environment Variables

Please ask an engineer on the team for credentials to various APIs that we use.



GA_TRACKING_ID  # (prod only)

# For the importer to download the practice files and pictures
S3_TEST_BUCKET # Optional

# Optional
SESSION_REMEMBER_FOR_IN_DAYS # how long to remember the user for if they check the "Remember me" checkbox. default is 1 day
SESSION_TIMEOUT_IN_MINUTES # without checking the checkbox, how long the user's session stays alive if they are active. default is 15 minutes

Database creation

Database initialization

How to run the test suite

Development Environment Setup Instructions


Set up

Within the command line:

  1. Clone this repository

    git clone

  2. Change directory into the newly created project directory

    cd diffusion-marketplace

  3. Install project dependencies

    bundle install

  4. Create the database

    rails db:create

  5. Spin up the sever

    rails s

  6. In a browser, browse to http://localhost:3200 to make sure everything built correctly.

Initial data - Bulk Importer


Environment Variables


Order of operations for running DM Specific rake tasks to set up data

  1. Run rails dm:full_import

This will run:

  1. rails dm:db_setup - sets up the db with rails db:create db:migrate db:seed
  2. rails importer:import_answers - imports the initial practice data the Diffusion Marketplace team collected via Survey Monkey, images and all~
  3. rails visns:create_visns_and_transfer_data - Creates new VISN records based on the data from the "practice_origin_lookup.json" file
  4. rails va_facilities:create_or_update_va_facilities - Creates or updates VA facility records based on the data from the "va_facilities.json" file
  5. rails diffusion_history:all - set up the initial diffusion history for the first five practices. Individual commands can be found here: lib/tasks/diffusion_history.rake
  6. rails inet_partner_practices:assign_inet_partner - assigns the iNET practice partner to practices that have iNET as a partner
  7. rails practice_origin_facilities:move_practice_initiating_facility - moves practice initiating facilities to the practice_origin_facilities table
  8. rails practice_editors:add_practice_owners_to_practice_editors - Adds each practice owner to the practice editors list of their corresponding practice
  9. rails va_facilities:fix_data_va_facilities - updates bad data in the va_facilities table (complexity field: 'fy17_parent_station_complextity_level')
  10. rails practice_partners:apply_is_major_flag_to_partners - Creates/updates certain flagship practice partners and applies the 'is_major' flag to them
  11. rails practice_partners:add_new_practice_partners - Adds new practice partners to the DB based on a spreadsheet provided in March 2022

To reset all of the data and do the process all over again, run:

rails dm:reset_up