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[EPIC] Discharge Upgrade Wizard: modernize & convert to Subtask pattern #12043

Open wesrowe opened 1 year ago

wesrowe commented 1 year ago

Top-line Description / Goal(s)

The existing discharge upgrade wizard was built in days. It does not use current design or content patterns. It requires a lot of scrolling due to the legacy pattern. We are also unsure if the information within the wizard remains correct.

Based on learnings from the PACT Act wizard, this effort will improve the ability for Veterans to determine their eligibility for a discharge upgrade by re-modernizing the product to align with current design and content standards, and convert to a subtask pattern.

Initiative document


[2024-07-08] All finished except for the Review screen tickets (see tickets below) and some stakeholder feedback to incorporate. [2024-04-01] Chris has completed the first two tickets and is working on the 1st question (ticket 3 of 15). These tickets include the Phase 1 content updates. Fran to create a ticket to implement the text corrections offered via email from Tanekwa, and these will be done after he’s finished with the 15 initial “MVP Phase 1” tickets.

[2024-03-01] No new updates

[2024-02-22 Fran] The V1/V3 Component work has bumped this project; hopefully will be started on 3/13 in Sprint 106.

IA request filed for temporary route

[2024-1/22 Fran] Tickets have been created by Chris K. and will be prioritized for upcoming sprint(s).

[2024-01-16] Sprint 102 will pull in work breakdown ticket.

[2024-01-08] Tickets for work breakdown for conversion to subtask and Phase 1 content changes are in Next Refinement.

Fran: get csat score for discharge upgrade wizard STATUS as of 01/04/2024

STATUS as of 12/8/2023

STATUS as of 8/8/23


VA stakeholders - TBD. Stakeholders for product has changed from past.

OCTO lead - Dave Conlon

Is this project tracked to an upcoming event or congressional deadline? - No


Which OCTO team should do this and what is currently on their roadmap? - Sitewide (Public Websites)

Which OCTO priority does this work support? -

What is the user impact and scale of impact? - 19,000 views/month as of August 2023

Who would manage this product long term? - Public Websites

How much leverage will this create to solve more problems in the future? -

How great is the cost of inaction? (e.g., Can it wait? Must it be done by us?) -


The wizard pattern has been deprecated by DST in favor of the Subtask pattern. The Discharge Upgrade Wizard needs to be converted to a subtask pattern. Designs for this can be found in this Sketch file.

User Story or Problem Statement

As a Veteran, or caregiver of a Veteran, I need the Discharge Upgrade Wizard to be easily understood a navigable SO I can complete it accurately and improve my chances of my discharge upgrade request being approved.

Affected users and stakeholders


We believe this effort will improve the ability for Veterans to determine their eligibility for a discharge upgrade by re-modernizing the product to align with current design and content standards, and convert to a subtask pattern.


Acceptance Criteria

Change management triage

The change represented by this user story will:

If you selected an item above, use the Change Management Runbook to create a CM epic and associated tickets.

If you did not select an item above, update issues/PRs in GitHub but don’t plan for change management.

Design principles




### CMS Team Please check the team(s) that will do this work. - [ ] `Program` - [ ] `Platform CMS Team` - [ ] `Sitewide Crew` - [ ] `⭐️ Sitewide CMS` - [x] `⭐️ Public Websites` - [ ] `⭐️ Facilities` - [ ] `⭐️ User support`
wesrowe commented 1 year ago

Moving this to icebox for now – modernized subtask design is available in design ticket in this epic. We will consider this work in the context of evaluating the whole Public Websites product portfolio for design and tech debt.

DanielleThierryUSDSVA commented 1 month ago

Update 6.3.24: Expected to ship by end of second quarter.

mmiddaugh commented 1 week ago

Update 7.08.24