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Request for new or update to existing KB article : VAMC Facility Health Service #12960

Open omahane opened 1 year ago

omahane commented 1 year ago

Background context

What is the request for? Due to the work done here, make sure to add the validation information.

Person and team of requester:

Priority or deadline for request

Choose either Deadline or a priority:

Is the article associated with an ongoing product or feature update?

If requesting a new article:

Audience: Who is this intended for? Who would need this information? (i.e. All editors, only editors for a particular product, Internal use only, etc.)

Related KB articles, if applicable:

Any other relevant documentation, if applicable:


  1. Review request and confirm no current, applicable KB article/content exists.
  2. Assign to appropriate product team (if the request did not already come from the product team)
  3. Draft article content
  4. CMS team will review for formatting and writing style guidelines
  5. Helpdesk team will review for functionality and editorial tone
  6. Publish
  7. If the KB is for a specific content type, go to the Content model document for that content type and add link to the new KB article

Acceptance Criteria

mmiddaugh commented 1 year ago

I believe this should be done in conjunction with: Review of new or updated KB articles: VAMC facility health service KB articles in support of v1 #14688

mmiddaugh commented 8 months ago

Is this issue a duplicate of #12988?

Since I'm not sure which one might prevail, I'll add this note here also: can we incorporate "How to remove a facility health service" into this one? (See #8552)