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[EPIC] Migrate Sketch files to Figma & clean up #16337

Closed FranECross closed 3 months ago

FranECross commented 9 months ago


This EPIC will be used to organize the tickets for the individual designs that needs to be moved to Figma.

The reason for the move is that the Sketch license ends on February 16th, 2024, and at that point out team should have downloaded any Sketch files they still need to Figma.

Public Websites and Facilities files that are in the CMS Figma account will need to be migrated the VA Figma folder "CMS Editor Experiences" no later than March 29, 2024.


2024-02-28 Status

2024-02-05 Status

2024-01-04 Status

User story

AS A PW and Facilities team member I WANT to have all Sketch files that will continue to be needed going forward moved into Figma SO THAT when the Sketch license expires, we can continue business as usual

Additional Info from Platform

How to move your work from Sketch to Figma Designing with Figma at VA Figma accounts and role permissions at VA

Quality / testing notes

Review each file after import to ensure fonts, colors, and styling imported accurately.

Sketch to Figma

Facilities Sketch files

Do not move until February 1, 2024 AND all comments are resolved - [x] Police Transparency - [x] VBA Regional Office - [x] Facility Locator
High Priority - [x] VAMC CMS Master - [x] Vet Centers
Low Priority - [x] Lovell VA tricare VAMC CMS

Public Websites Sketch files

High Priority - [x] Outreach and events - [x] Discharge Wizard - [x] OCTO Brand Design (full file migration complete) - [x] PACT Act - [x] Home page presentation - [x] VA-home-updates-2022
Low Priority - [x] Search UI - [x] VA CLP Template - [x] Software factory tool (full file migration complete) - [x] O&E Wireframes W2 - [x] VA Resources support template - [x] Income limits - [x] VA form search - [x] Yellow ribbon map - [x] VA form redesign - [x] VA learning center template v2 - [x] Harassment reporting tool prototype - [x] FAF Download PDF - [x] Yellow ribbon search results - [x] VA learning center template v3 - [x] Learning center map - [x] Campaign landing page template v1 - [x] Contact center journeys - [x] Yellow ribbon map 2 - [x] Harassment reporting tool - [x] FAF 10EZ - [x] CLP tweaks 2021 - [x] Page rating - [x] VA tier3 - [x] VA footer language

Design System Sketch files

Do not move until February 1, 2024 AND all comments are resolved - [x] USA Header Footer

Agile Six Figma to VA Platform Figma (must be moved by March 29, 2024)

Current Working Files - [x] VBA Content Specs

Facilities Figma files

High Priority - [x] VAMC facilities
Low Priority - [x] VBA Regional Office Prototype - [x] Covid/Facility Status - [x] VA medical Centers forms - [x] Vet Centers forms

Public Websites Figma files

High Priority - [x] Header/footer prototype copy from A6's Figma account - [x] Events - [x] Full width banner alerts - [x] Q&As
Low Priority - [x] Income limits prototype - [x] Campaign Landing Pages - [x] CTA with links content block - [x] Magic Headers and Paragraphs - [x] Benefit Content Model - [x] News Promo Block - [x] HUB List Menu - [x] Tableview Patch UI - [x] Events near me: Editor UX for testing

Acceptance criteria

Sketch to Figma

All files need to be moved from Sketch to Figma by February 16, 2024.

Agile Six Figma to VA Platform Figma

All files need to be moved from Agile Six Figma to VA Platform Figma by March 29, 2024.

FranECross commented 9 months ago

@thejordanwood @jilladams I created a ticket for the work to migrate Sketch files to Figma, so we can plan accordingly. The Sketch license doesn't expire until Feb 24, 2024, but I thought perhaps a list could be made, and then separate tickets created to be weaved into sprints so we aren't caught at the last minute next year.

thejordanwood commented 9 months ago

@jilladams @FranECross I can list these out sometime, but for now will put the overview here.

FranECross commented 9 months ago

@thejordanwood Thanks so much for this information. I believe you're correct about the ask falling on your shoulders. When you're not so bogged down, I can collaborate with you to get stories created to accommodate small chunks of work in a way that makes sense to you. cc @jilladams

jilladams commented 9 months ago


aklausmeier commented 9 months ago

@thejordanwood We also need to import the Drupal UI files that were created for PW and Facilities products. I have created a CMS folder space in the VA Figma. I'll send you an invite to that space as well.

jilladams commented 9 months ago

@thejordanwood @aklausmeier I know we'll discuss today in Fac UX Sync, but noting: we'll want to think about points here.

thejordanwood commented 9 months ago

@aklausmeier I've added a list of the files in Sketch and the Drupal UI files that currently live in the Agile Six workspace. I grouped these by high and low priority, but please feel free to rearrange!

jilladams commented 9 months ago

Noting: Amanda intends to work on this during the break, so reflecting it will make some progress in Sprint 100.

jilladams commented 8 months ago

@aklausmeier @thejordanwood I know y'all plan to sync about status / plans here. Could you update notes on ticket for my / Jane / Fran's reference once you do? Thanks!

jilladams commented 8 months ago

Amanda noted in planning: She has migrated almost all the files and we don't expect to need more help. More details coming when there's time to spell it out.

aklausmeier commented 8 months ago

@thejordanwood All high and low priority files for PW and FAC have been imported to the VA Figma space. We will need to relink all design components including any necessary text styles to the Figma design system components (step 7 in migration process) when our team has capacity or needs to do so because the product is being pulled in for iteration. Since these have been migrated, these files are not bound by the FEB 16 deadline.

In our Figma space, I have added a file "cover" to indicate current status. Link to Figma status legend for reference.

Cover example indicating components still need to be updated: Screenshot 2024-01-03 at 11 37 35 AM

Current working files still need to be migrated by FEB 16. @thejordanwood this can be done anytime while you are working in the files. Comments will not migrate over so ideally these are resolved before migration or migrated before comments begin on a file.

@jilladams @FranECross After sharing current status with Dave C., we will need to track each design file as it's own ticket possibly making this effort an epic rather than this one ticket. I will make a note above to a few of the design files that do not need this tracking w/in an epic because they are completed, marking as "full file migration complete".

aklausmeier commented 8 months ago

In regards to moving our PW and Facilities files out of the CMS Figma space, this is on hold until we get confirmation from @EWashb on whether they will continue to stay in the separate CMS Figma space or they will move to the VA Figma account. This is dependent on a decision of where the CMS design component library will live. Some of these files are currently in progress and we wouldn't want to move them until comments are resolved.

aklausmeier commented 8 months ago

spoke with @EWashb and Public Websites and Facilities files that are in the CMS Figma account will need to be migrated the VA Figma folder "CMS Editor Experiences" no later than March 29, 2024.

@FranECross @jilladams In an upcoming UX refinement, let's discuss how we can turn this ticket into an epic with tickets to track the work. @thejordanwood and I will most likely need your assistance.

FranECross commented 8 months ago

@aklausmeier Sounds great! If you have a simple list of items that need individual tickets, I can take care of converting this to an epic and then creating the associated individual tickets. Thanks! cc @jilladams @thejordanwood

aklausmeier commented 8 months ago

@FranECross Thanks! Every file listed in this ticket description will need it's own ticket w/in the epic unless it has "full file migration complete" next to it's name. This applies to file names with and without the checkmark.

The AC's should be :

FranECross commented 8 months ago

@aklausmeier and @thejordanwood 😁I've created tickets for each files, and labeled accordingly (Facilities/Public Websites).

aklausmeier commented 8 months ago

Thank you @FranECross - that was fast!

aklausmeier commented 7 months ago

@thejordanwood and @davidmpickett I changed the VA Figma folder from "CMS - Editor Experiences" to 2 distinct folders, "CMS - Public Websites Editor Experiences" and "CMS - Facilities Editor Experiences" to keep files organized by team.

thejordanwood commented 7 months ago

@aklausmeier All current working files have been moved from Sketch to Figma and their components have been converted. Open comments have also been moved over.

The working files are:

I'll start moving files from the Agile Six Figma to VA Platform Figma this week.

thejordanwood commented 7 months ago

@aklausmeier All files have been moved from the Agile Six Figma to VA Platform Figma.

We no longer need to worry about deadlines! Next step is to convert components in design files to Figma VA design system components, which will be done whenever time permits.

FranECross commented 3 months ago

Closing; some tickets completed, and some closed as no op with comments. Epic is completed.