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[Homepage email signup] Create monitoring in Datadog for the POST call to GovDelivery #19312

Open randimays opened 2 days ago

randimays commented 2 days ago


[2024-09-24] [Fran] Reviewed, added User story and moved to next refinement


On at the bottom of the homepage, there is a section titled "Sign up to get the latest VA updates" with an input for an email address.

The source code for the form lives in content-build:

As part of the Zero Silent Failures research into Sitewide products, we investigated how this signup form integrates with the downstream API (call to GovDelivery). Full technical details are in this ticket.

The purpose of this ticket is to add:

  1. A Datadog monitor to catch any error codes GovDelivery sends back from the form action URL
  2. A Datadog synthetic test (and accompanying monitor) to verify that the GovDelivery page is loaded successfully with the email address pre-populated. We can add this as a step to the existing homepage functional browser test, or create a separate Datadog synthetic test to capture this flow.

User story

As a PO/PM AS A PO/PM managing the feature "Sign up to get the latest VA updates" with an input for an email address found in the footer wherein an email address is entered/submitted I WANT DataDog monitoring the submission SO THAT if there is a failure submitting, we're alerted and can take action, mitigating poor Veteran outcomes

As a Veteran AS A PO/PM using the feature "Sign up to get the latest VA updates", where I input my email address and expect to then receive updates I WANT the folks at to know if my email address doesn't reach the mail list for updates SO THAT if there is a failure submitting my email address, they are alerted and can take action, thus ensuring good outcomes for me

Acceptance criteria